Chapter 9

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Andy's phone had been ringing over and over for half an hour, the same number every time. At first she'd assumed it was a persistent reporter, but they usually gave up after three or four tries.

Of course, she could have just turned off her phone. But she was still hoping Miranda would call, like the pitiful, lovesick loser that she was.

At last, she picked up. "What?"

"Andrea Sachs," said a raspy female voice. It was Crystal.

"Huh?" Andy sat up. "They let you call me?"

"They let me out. Because you're lying, and the cops know it."

Her jaw clenched. "We're not lying. You know we're not lying."

"Whatever. I don't know how the hell you got from the ship to Southampton. But if you don't stop slandering me, you're going to regret it. Remember, I know where you work. And I know where your heinous boss lives."

Andy opened her mouth to respond, but then she heard a click. The line was dead.

She'd made a resolution not to call Miranda, but it took her about three seconds to break it.

Surprisingly, Miranda picked up on the second ring. "Hello?"

"Crystal's out of jail. They let her out, and she already called me and threatened me."

There was a sharp breath. "What? What did she say?"

Andy recounted the brief conversation.

"I'm sending a car," Miranda said decisively.


"For you." Miranda sounded annoyed that she didn't already get it. "I know you don't have any security in that puny apartment. I have a gate and an alarm. You'll stay at my house until we can find somewhere more suitable."

"You can't just..." Andy paused. She'd been about to say, you can't just order me to come over. But wasn't that exactly what she wanted? A chance to see Miranda, to talk to her. "Okay. Thank you. I'll wait for the car."

She shoved a few days worth of clothing into her suitcase, along with her pain meds and her laptop. Then, she changed out of her sweatpants and into a loose floral sundress, completing the look with a dusting of earthy eyeshadow and pink lipgloss. She wasn't ready for a shift at Runway , but it was an improvement.

Downstairs, the car was already waiting for her. She didn't recognize the driver, so after a polite hello she spent the drive staring out the window, trying to decide what to say when she saw Miranda for the first time in days.

Miranda was waiting for her in figure-flattering pajamas, turquoise satin with a tiny dot print. She set down her glass of wine. "Hello, Andrea."

"Hi." Andy looked around. "Um, are the twins here?"

"They're with their father."

"Oh." So in theory, she was free to greet Miranda with a kiss. But after days of mostly silence, she had no idea where they stood, so she just hovered awkwardly in the entryway.

"Come in," Miranda said finally. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Um, sure. Just water. Thanks."

Andy followed Miranda to her spacious, immaculate kitchen. She stood behind the counter as Miranda retrieved a glass from the cabinet.

Next, Miranda opened the refrigerator and pulled out a pitcher of water. But instead of pouring, she set it on the counter next to the glass and just stared at it.

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