Chapter 4

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When they reached the shore, Miranda slid off Andrea's back and started walking.

Andrea kept swimming up to the very edge of the water, and then she began to crawl on the beach with her hands, grunting as she dragged her tail behind her.

She can't walk, Miranda realized. However Andrea had transformed into a mermaid, she didn't seem to have the ability to change back whenever she wanted. "Here. Let me help you."

"Oh, I'm fine." But her cheeks were flushed, and her voice was weak.

"Nonsense." Miranda reached out with both hands.

Andrea reluctantly grabbed one hand, then the other. "Thanks."

Miranda dragged her through the sand until they were a few yards past the tide. Andrea was heavy as a mermaid—maybe twice as heavy as a size-six woman with legs—but Miranda's discipline at the gym paid off.

Andrea groaned as she rolled onto her back. Miranda dropped down beside her, panting from exertion. For a couple of minutes, neither spoke as they caught their breath.

Miranda turned to Andrea. "So. You're a fish."

Andrea burst out laughing. "You know, I used to wonder what your reaction would be if I ever transformed at the office, right in front of you. Maybe that was it."

Miranda chuckled. Then, their eyes met and they were smiling at each other, sharing a moment of relief.

"How did you turn your legs into a tail?" Miranda asked. "How did... what's going on?"

"I have legs when I'm dry, but when I'm wet..." Andrea gestured at herself. "This happens."

Miranda flashed back to the meeting with Solé. "Is that why you ran out of that meeting, when you spilled water on yourself?"

"Yeah. I only had a few seconds. I grew a tail right there in the stairwell. I'm sorry I lied to you, but..." She shrugged. "It's not the kind of thing most people believe."

"Incredible." Miranda studied Andrea's scales. They looked like fish scales, but bigger and cleaner somehow. Up close, they were beautiful, iridescent and sparkling in the sunlight. "So this happens with any amount of water? Even a little splash?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I was so scared to come to this party with you, in the middle of the ocean with all those people." Andrea looked at her seriously. "But now, I'm so glad that I came."

"How did you know what happened to me? Did you know that it was—"

"Crystal." Andrea's eyes darkened. "Someone told me where you'd gone, but when I went to find you, she was there on the deck alone. She told me you'd jumped, and that she was going to make me jump too."

Miranda chest tightened as she realized what Andrea was saying. Crystal had tried to kill her Andrea, just for being in the wrong place. For caring enough to go after Miranda. "Fuck. I'm going to end her. That sadistic little psycho." Then something else occurred to her. "Wait. Did she see your tail? Does she know?"

"No." Andrea shook her head. "Crystal saw me jump, but I swam underwater until I found you. She didn't see anything. She thinks we're both dead."

"Well. She's in for a shock." Miranda imagined the look on Crystal's face when she realized her plan had failed—and that she was headed to prison for attempted murder, times two. The image brought her some cheer.

But Andrea had turned somber. "They probably all think we're dead by now. I wonder if they'll even look for us."

Miranda reached over and squeezed her hand. "No one's dead. Thanks to you."

Sink or Swim: A Mirandy Mermaid TaleWhere stories live. Discover now