Chapter 5

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Andy held her breath as she watched for a reaction. For a moment, Miranda just stared at her, lips parted in shock. Then she looked down at her legs.

"You want to turn me into a mermaid?"

"Of course I don't want to. But I want to survive. I can't carry you with my injury, but I think I could swim by myself—and if you could swim beside me."

Already, she was lying. Because she did want to turn her boss into a mermaid. It was messed up and wrong, but all she wanted in the world was to kiss Miranda Priestly and swim together in the moonlight. To share her secret, to have that bond forever—she wanted it.

Miranda frowned, creasing her forehead. "If it worked, I'd never be able to go back. I mean, I'd have legs when I was dry but..."

"You'd get a tail every time you touched water, yes. You would have to be careful, like I am. No more swimming pools, no more showers."

"No more showers?" Miranda gasped. "But how do you clean your legs and... uh..." She blushed bright red, glancing away.

Andy felt her own cheeks burning. "Believe me, there are ways. Um, I could teach—tell—tell you. If you want. But it involves solutions that aren't quite water, um, like for shaving... plus the fact that you've got some time between getting wet and the actual transformation. Anyway, I'm very clean, you know, everywhere." Dear God, was she actually having this conversation with Miranda? She wanted to die.

"Look," Andy said quickly, "there are some inconveniences for sure, but it's not all bad. Being a mermaid is an incredible gift. You have access to this whole underwater world that's peaceful and beautiful and nothing like being on land. Imagine swimming through tropical waters, no snorkel or equipment or anything—and you're just free."

Miranda's eyes were full of turmoil. "I don't know."

"The thing is, we don't have any water. There's no food. I don't know how long we can wait to be rescued. If we don't swim to shore tomorrow, I don't know if we ever can. And then if nobody comes..." She wrapped her arms around herself. "I don't want us to die here."

"Of course I don't want that either. But you don't even know if it would work. Just because it happened once..."

"That's true. I don't know for sure. But will you try?"

Miranda stared at the ocean for a long time. Finally she said, "Okay. You may attempt to turn me into a fish."

Andy exhaled. "Okay. We'll try as soon as it's dark."

Oh my God, it's happening. Inside she was bursting, but Andy tried to keep her expression serious. Technically, they were discussing a plan for survival, with their lives at stake. This was nothing to celebrate.

Yet, all she could think was that soon, she was going to kiss Miranda Priestly. On the mouth. With her explicit permission. Of course, she wished it were under different circumstances, and that she'd had a chance to brush her teeth. But still. A kiss. She couldn't stop imagining the feel of Miranda's lips against her own, and had to stop herself from touching her own lips multiple times.

Miranda looked at her. "What are you thinking about?"

"Huh? Oh, just trying to picture you with a tail."

"Hmmph." Miranda turned back to gaze at the sunset over the ocean.

And that if we die here, I'm gonna die happy. Best to keep that part to herself.

~ * ♥ * ~

Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. There she was, in her underwear, allowing her mostly naked second assistant to lead her into the ocean in an attempt to turn her—a grown woman, over 50—into a damn mermaid. It was absurd.

Sink or Swim: A Mirandy Mermaid TaleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant