Mombie Dearest

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3rd Person POV

SADIE: It was that chaotic time of year around here, the Saltzman twins' birthday. We were put to work to get the place ready. 

"All right, let's get the rest of these chairs and tables and get 'em out of here." Raf tells the wolves. "All right? Let's go, let's go."

Sadie and Raf go to start pushing a table when Hope walks in

"Perks of being an alpha." Hope says. "Bunch of people you get to boss around."

"More like a bunch of shadows waiting to be told what to do." Raf says

"Who put you on party duty?" Hope asks

"I volunteered." Raf says. "Come on, Sadie, let's push." He sees Hope still there. "What do you want? I'm busy."

"Listen, Raf, I know you're mad at me for sending Landon away, but... I promise you, it was for his own good." Hope tells Raf

"You've known him for two minutes, and you know what's good for him?" Raf asks, dropping his weight pushing on the table to face him. Sadie stumbles at the abrupt extra weight of the table

"I know that I want him to be safe." Hope says. Sadie stands up and leans against the table, watching Raf and Hope. "Listen, Raf, I just came here to apologize. And I thought maybe if... I don't know, if you needed someone to talk to... Whatever."

Hope starts walking away

"Actually, um... I do kind of need help with something." Raf says, stopping her. "There's no fancy parties in grand ballrooms where I come from. I need to know what to expect for tonight. I don't want to let Lizzie down."

"Who cares what Lizzie Saltzman thinks?" Hope asks

"I do." Raf says. "I'm her date."

Hope and Raf go to the gym to practice

Sadie and the wolves move the tables and chairs out of the way

After all the heavy lifting was done, the witches come in to help set up the party area

SADIE: I stay with the witches to help set up, because I'm both witch and wolf and because when Penelope plans something, things can get... dangerous. We're not best friends, but we're decent to each other -- not friends but not enemies

Sadie and Penelope work on decorating a table

"You're lucky I respect women...." MG starts, walking in and over to Penelope. Her and Sadie stop their work, looking at him. "...and that I shun all forms of toxic masculinity, or else you and I would be throwing down right now. Even if you can kick my ass."

"Dude, I am here to help." Penelope says

"By telling Lizzie and Josie that their mom isn't coming?" MG asks

"You did that?" Sadie scoffs

"Oh, that was just for Lizzie..." Penelope starts. "...who is taking Rafael as her date instead of you." She tells MG. "So why are you doing all this to try and make her party perfect?"

"Cause a man's got to shoot his shot." MG says

"Oh, my God." Penelope groans. "No. I can't take it anymore. As your friend, I demand that you retrieve your little MGs from Lizzie's grip."

"Not when I can taste victory." MG says

"Fine. I'll make you a deal." Penelope tells MG. "I will keep Werewolf Prince Charming away from the party long enough for you to shoot your one, final, inevitably failed shot. And when it's over, and the Queen of Mean has broken your heart all over again, promise me that you will let Lizzie go."

Sadie Auburn //Book One// - Legacies - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now