The Boy Who Still Has A Lot of Good To Do

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3rd Person POV

SADIE: The first full moon after the whole mummy debacle hit about a week after we got back. Everyone was getting ready to leave for spring break and well...just read the story and you'll see

"Dr. S." Kaleb says, walking into Dr Saltzman's office. "I can't find MG."

"What do you mean?" Dr Saltzman asks

"I just checked in with his hall monitor, but he missed curfew." Kaleb says. "Monitor said he tried calling you."

"Ah, that guy from Triad Enterprises took my phone." Dr Saltzman says

"All right, whatever." Kaleb says. "We... we got to find him. This ain't the night for vampires to be walking around unchecked."


Dr Satlzman is in the cellar room

"Have you seen Landon?" Hope asks, walking down into the cellars. "I thought he might be down here with Raf for moral support."

"Raf's not here." Dr Saltzman says

"Wait, he's... What?" Hope asks

"The supervisors said he didn't check in." Dr Saltzman says. "And now MG's missing, too. And apparently Sarah was here but..." He turns to look at her cage. Empty. "She's nowhere."

"But it's a full moon." Hope says

A wolf howls in the distance

"Oh, God." Hope says


Dr Saltzman and Hope walk around the dark woods with flashlights

"I don't know why my locator spell didn't work." Hope says

"If you can't find them, it means they're being cloaked or..." Dr Saltzman trails off

"Or they're dead. I'm aware." Hope says

"What would possess them to leave campus?" Dr Saltzman asks. "Why would they be so irresponsible?"

"They wouldn't." Hope says. "Something must have happened."

They keep walking

Dr Saltzman shines his light at a tree

A body lays there

"Hope." Dr Saltzman says, pulling her attention

"Raf?" Hope exclaims, running over. "Raf! Hey, are you okay?"

"MG... Landon..." Raf shudders out

"Hey, what's going on?" Hope asks. "Where's Landon? Where's Sadie?"

"I can't remember." Raf says

Hope looks back at Dr Saltzman


Raf sits in a room, staring into space

"Lunar psychosis?" Dr Saltzman says

"That's a thing?" Hope asks

"Quit talking. Making noise." Raf says. He growls and roars, getting up out of his seat

Emma chants a spell and stops him

Raf goes back to staring into space

"It's a thing." Emma says

"What did you do to him?" Hope asks

"It's okay." Emma says. "I'm just slowing down his heart. It will calm him."

"What's happening to me?" Raf asks, looking around. "I keep... losing time."

Sadie Auburn //Book One// - Legacies - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now