III- The Train Ride

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The remainder of the drive was shrouded in boredom (and Pansy's occasional spout of profanities resulting from road rage), and it was otherwise uneventful. Blaise and Theo spent the time playing "rock, paper, scissors, wizard, sock", Crabbe and Goyle had dozed off, and Pansy and Draco were locked in an intense debate about whether or not cheesecake was considered an actual cake.

"No, it's not cake! It's just baked cream cheese!" Draco argued.

"It literally has cake in the name!" Pansy threw back.

"Okay, well, your name is Pansy but you're not a flower!"

"Oh yeah? Your name is Draco, but you're an idiot!"

Eventually, King's Cross Station appeared on the horizon. Theo had beaten Blaise forty seven to forty three at "rock, paper, scissors, wizard, sock", Crabbe nudged Goyle awake, and Draco had finally given up on trying to convince Pansy that cheesecake wasn't a real cake. Pansy pulled the group into the parking lot and everyone hauled his or her bag out of the car.

"Won't you get towed, leaving the car here during the school year?" Theo pondered.

"Watch this," Pansy laughed, rolling her eyes as a tap of her wand made the car vanish from sight.

"I mean, that works too." he responded.

The group made its way to the spot in between platforms nine and ten, and took turns casually leaning against the entrance to Platform 9 ¾ and slipping inside. After weaving their way through hugging families, nervous first years, and hooting owls, they stepped into the line to board the train.

The cluster of six surly-looking teenagers looked out of place standing among the crowd of young children who'd barely hit puberty.

"Draco, remember when we were that little?" smiled Pansy, watching a small boy and a smaller girl laughing together.

"Yeah, although, if I remember correctly, we weren't exactly laughing." Draco reminisced.

"Nope, you were bawling your eyes out until we built that blanket fort!" she laughed, elbowing him in the ribs as he laughed along.

Theo rolled his eyes at the two and gestured towards the line that had moved forward, putting the group at the door to the train. "Fuck your nostalgia, get your asses on the train." he grumbled.

Pansy picked an empty compartment, and Draco sat down next to her. Everyone else filed in and the Hogwarts Express pulled away from the station.

Shortly after the train started moving, a cluster of noisy Gryffindors clad in red and gold ran past the door. 

"Kids these days..." Theo mused. "They behave like animals."

"How rowdy they are, one musn't behave like that on a train," Draco said as a grin stretched across his face. He locked eyes with Pansy and Blaise, signaling to them that it was time to bother Potter. They gathered their best smirks and sneers and followed Draco down the narrow aisle to Harry's compartment. Upon arrival, Draco rapped on the door with as much sass as humanly possible.

Potter, Ginny and Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Loony Lovegood, and Neville Schlongbottom all looked up from whatever they were doing to see the Slytherins standing at the door.

"Here comes the party," Ron sighed. 

"What do you want, Malfoy? If I throw a stick, you'll go away, right?" smirked Potter.

Neville Longbottom laughed at Harry's remark. Draco's silver eyes locked on his.

"Think that's funny, Schlongbottom? Figures. I wonder sometimes, who ties your shoes for you in the morning?" Draco retorted.

"Leave Neville alone, would you?" Hermione demanded, standing up.

"This coming from a mudblood who still hasn't figures out how to do her hair, or make it look like anything other than a rat's nest," Pansy teased menacingly while twirling one of her own shiny black strands around a finger. "Hey, there's this wonderful invention and it's called a fucking comb, loser."

Draco laughed overly loudly and high-fived her. Harry stood up and got close to Pansy. "Aww, Pansy! It must be difficult for you, exhausting your entire vocabulary in one sentence," Harry said harshly. "Maybe if you roll your eyes hard enough, you'll find a brain back there!"

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

"Blaise, you have the right to remain silent, whatever you say will probably be stupid anyway." Harry jabbed.

Blaise just swore under his breath and turned away.

"And you," Harry continued, turning to Draco. "I was going to give you a nasty look, but it seems as if your mother has already done that for me!"

Harry stepped back and admired the horrified expression on Draco's face.

Draco tried to come up with something to reply with, but nothing surface. "You... bastard, Potter..." Draco said under his breath before sticking up his middle finger at them and stomping away, followed closely by Pansy and Blaise.

"Oh yeah, well I did your mom!" Ron shouted at them after the fact. "Haha, I didn't actually do his mom." he giggled, and Harry fist-bumped him.

Luna looked up from her upside-down copy of 'The Quibbler', still wearing the free Spectrespecs that came inside of every issue. "Pansy is right about your hair, Hermione," she said in a quiet and airy voice. "It is very poofy, almost as if it could be infested with nargles..."

Hermione became flustered and looked down, trying desperately to smooth out her frizzy hair.

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