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"i'll see you monday." madison waves to me as we leave school.

today has been a little bit better than the other days.

i still get asked the same questions but not as often as i used to.

i walk peacefully down the street when someone with a camera stops me.

"hello, are you maryah?" the man asks, shoving the camera into my face.

i have a few options in this scenario. one, take the camera and run. two, knock him out and run. or three, be polite.

my manager told me i need to always go with option three.

"yeah, that's me." i smile, being as polite as possible.

when i met my new management, modest, they told me that the media is my friend and i have to be polite to get good publicity.

"can you tell us who harry styles' new soulmate is?" he asks, making my heart stop working for a few seconds.

why is he asking me about harry? i can't answer questions that aren't about myself.

"that's not my question to answer." i shake my head and he angrily rolls his eyes before asking a different question.

"okay well can you tell us anything about him?" he asks and i get a feeling that no matter what i say, he's going to make me look bad.

he can't seriously think that i'm going to talk to him about harry? i talked to harry a total of three times. it could he more than that but still.

"i actually have to go." i point to the direction i was previously walking and he nods, backing away.


"maryah you're trending on twitter." my aunt gasps as we sit at the dinner table. "it's all hate."

my stomach drops. hate. i'm getting hate. i chose an option for harry to be happy and i'm getting hate.

"are you serious?" i ask, my stomach beginning to hurt.

"yeah." she looks up at me and i sigh, rolling my eyes. this is exactly why i didn't want a famous soulmate.

i just want someone to be there for me. if my soulmate is famous then we'll barely talk.


"maybe you can stop the rumors if you identify your new soulmate." madison suggests and i nod in agreement.

"hey." i sigh, trying to get my soulmate's attention.

"hey!" he responds quickly.

"what's your name?" i ask, praying that he's not famous.

"niall. niall horan." he responds and i feel my body go cold.

you're kidding me.

this is a fucking prank.

"oh my god..." i whisper, not believing it.

before he can respond, my phone vibrates.

you're trending on twitter?

thanks a lot, captain obvious. tell me something i don't know.

it's a long story.

are you okay?

i'm fine! :)

i lock my phone, knowing that i just lied to him. i don't like lying but i don't like people worrying about me.

before i do anything else, i quickly grab my phone and dial madison's number.

she'll know how to help. she always knows how to help.

usually in this scenario i would call jasper but we know that situation.

"hello?" she asks, answering the phone after a few rings.

"my soulmate is niall horan." i give her the news straight up and she gasps.

"wait, seriously?" she asks, reacting the same was i did when i found out.

no madison, i'm lying. i'm making up a story because i have time for that.

"yes, seriously!" i reply, trying not to freak out.

"that's good!" she squeals, and i can hear her smiling.

she's got to be kidding.

she thinks this is good? no. food is good. laughing is good. feeling something is good.

questioning if you're worthy of the soulmate you have is not good.

"i don't want a famous soulmate!" i argue and she stops squealing.

"you're being ungrateful." her voice is angry.

before i can respond she ends the call.

"did she just hang up on me?" i look at my reflection on the black screen in disbelief.

okay, maybe she doesn't know how to help.


"is this maryah?" a voice asks when i answer the phone.

it's been ringing all day and it's giving me a headache.

"yeah..?" i answer, not recognizing the voice.

"can you come in for an interview?" she asks and i roll my eyes.

yeah, just what i need, more publicity.

"no. i don't talk to harry styles. leave me alone please." i shake my head.

"just one interview." she begs and i sigh. "you can shut down all of the rumors and get people to leave you alone."

"fine." i hang up the phone.

my manager is going to be pissed.

at this point i'm digging my own grave.

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