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"I wanna go outside," I said. Rey was lifting weights in front of the open sets of doors, but I was too scared to go anywhere without her permission.

"You gonna go for another run?" She asked sarcastically

"That's not fair," I said "you can do whatever you want, I'm stuck here with nothing to do"

"No, you're not. Just do something like reading. If you told me what you liked doing, then maybe I'd have some sympathy for your boredom while it was being shipped here, but you're not suggesting a thing to me"

"But I want to go outside and explore the island. How big is it?"

"Quite big. There are no other buildings though, but there's a lot of fields. The trees just stop it from flooding if it rains heavily at high tide, which it never has done but it's a precaution. Oh, and there's this beautiful lake that's always warm and it's so blue and clear all year. My mom used to take me swimming there"

"Can you take me?"

"I'm pissed at you"

"Is that a no?"

"It's a 'leave me alone when I'm mad at you and I'll get back to you when I'm in a better mood'. Okay?"

"Sure," I said and wandered out of the door I was standing in front of, and she watched me intently while I walked around the pool in circles, then dipped my toe in. It was very warm to the touch, just like everything else there. At least inside it was somewhat climate controlled.

"Are you going for a swim or not?"

"Not" I mumbled and sat down on the tile slabs at the side of the pool. Her dog came bounding down the hill, then skidded to a halt when she reached the tile flooring and trotted towards Rey.

"Hi baby," she said and put her weights down to pet her "go sit with Paris. Paris, call the dog over"

"Lucy," I said and gave the dog a hug, and we sat side by side and stared into the pool. Eventually, she got bored and jumped into it to cool off, then got out and shook the water off herself, spraying me in the process "ew!"

"Go and make yourself some breakfast," she told me


"Because you're not eating enough"

"Because I'm stressed"

"Just eat some fucking toast," she said

"Where is it?"

"God!" She groaned and put her weights down, grabbed my sore wrist and pulled me into the kitchen and showed me where she kept the bread "then you put it in the fucking toaster. Got it?"

"Yes," I said meekly "you hurt my wrist"

"I couldn't care less. You're a nasty person" she said and stormed back outside. I tried not to cry like I always did when someone showed any sort of distaste towards me. I did as I was told and managed to stomach one piece of toast, then sat on the sofa and thought about how she'd snapped at me several times and not apologised. "Oh my god, are you crying?" She rolled her eyes

"What do you expect?" I sniffled and hid my face in the blanket, and she reluctantly approached me.

"What's made you cry?"


"I know, but what did I say?"

"That I was a nasty person and then you hurt my wrist and you yelled at me about toast!" I started to sob and she sat next to me, but I shuffled away

"I'm sorry," she said, "does your wrist need a new bandage?" I shook my head "okay. I'm sorry I shouted at you, but can you understand that I'm hurt by what you've done?"

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