Rewards and Begging

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Thomas' POV

    The lights get brighter in the theater at the movie comes to an end, making me blink against them. I look over to see Zack stretching before he stands up, holding a hand down to me for me to grab. I pick up my remaining trash and give it to him instead. He just shakes his head as I stand up and places his arm around my shoulder as we walk down the steps and out the door.

He throws the trash away in the bin before we make our way out of the building and towards the car. "How was the movie, kitten?" He asks me as we walk through the cool night air and I hold his hand that's hanging over my shoulder.

"It was good. That one girls voice was annoying and her skirt was ugly. Or maybe I'm just mean." I tell him tilting my head to think about it and he just laughs and shakes his head.

"No your right, she was annoying. But you're also mean." He tells me and I nod my head in agreement seeing as he makes a fair point. We arrive at the car and Zack let's me open my own door, knowing I'll only shut it and open it myself if he tried it.

We both slide into the front seats and after we buckle up, I expect him to start the car and drive off but instead, he turns towards me with a secret smile and uses his finger to bring my face closer to his. My breath catches in my throat at the look he's giving me and I see a small smirk passing his lips, probably knowing the effect he has on me.

     "You've been a good boy, kitten. I promised you last night you would get a reward for your behavior. Have you thought about it?" He asks me and his voice is so low and smooth I almost miss the question, his burning gaze and sultry voice leaving me hypnotized. I shake my head mentally and finally answer his question.

     "Yes, sir." I tell him and he hums.

      "What would you like?" He asks me and I cringe a little, not wanting him to know just yet.

     "I have an idea, but can I keep it a surprise?" I ask him, using my favorite trick of bringing my hand to rest on his thigh and looking at him through my blond lashes. His eyes darken as he takes me in until he chuckles and shakes his head, pulling away to start the car.

     "Such a naughty boy. You can keep your secrets." He tells me and I grin as I settle back into my seat. He pulls out of the parking lot and I tell him where to stop in order to get said surprise in motion.

      "Babe, can you stop at the mall?" I ask him, and though I see him frown in confusion, he switches to the left lane to turn towards the shopping center. He parks the car and I go to grab my wallet but, as always, he tries to give me his and I raise my eyebrows in response, leaving the leather in his outstretched hand.

"Come on, kitten. It's a reward!" He tries to argue but I just smile softly and pay his cheek gently.

"So cute." I sigh before grabbing my own wallet and my phone before getting out of the car, leaving my grumpy lover behind. I can't stop the grin on my face as I enter the mall, heading to the third floor to go to the shop Chloe always loved to go to and dragged me along, suddenly thankful he did. I enter the store and I'm immediately greeted by a nice looking girl at the register.

"Welcome to Spencer's!" The girl says to me and I grin at her, secretly loving her snake eyes and gages. I pass her and go straight to the back, knowing exactly the section I'm looking for. And of course I would have to forget how extensive the Wall is. Hanging up on hooks and shelves are all types of sex toys, everything from dildos to vibrators to cock rings.

I stare at the selection, not knowing where to start when the girl from up front comes back to stand beside me with a smile. "Having trouble?" She asks me and I nod my head with a sheepish grin on my lips. "Okay, what do you need and who is it for?" She asks going into slight businesses mode.

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