Ares and Chan Have a Drink

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Ares' POV

     I try to stop my pacing as I walk around the room, my eyes unable to stop their constant assault of the clock over the stove. Thomas has only been at work for two hours and he hasn't answered my text that I sent a little over an hour ago.

      Rationally, I know that it's during the dinner rush and the bar is going to be crowded with people wanting to have a good time, but I still can't shake the disturbing feeling that somethings wrong.

      I sigh as I stop my steps in my tracks and rub my hands down my face.


      Ever since what happened to my sweet kitten a month and a half ago, my anxiety and over protective nature have soared through the roof, and though I try so hard to stop from reacting to my constant worry, some days are worse than others.

     Thomas just started working again two weeks ago and I had a detailed conversation with the owner and the managers about what happened without spilling any intruding details. They're under strict rules to watch over him, help him during panic attacks and to alert me if anyone looking like Silas comes in, but it's hard to trust people you don't know.

      In the past two weeks, almost every shift he's had, I've made my way over there because my mind wouldn't shut up about him being in danger.

     I try not to bother him when I do, but I can tell he's starting to feel smothered and annoyed by my constant worry. He's trying to move on and make himself strong and independent again, and I know my anxiety over the situation isn't helping. I know I have to let go at some point and I'm trying.

     It's just not as easy as it sounds.

      I curse myself as I move my hands and look at the clock again, knowing that the next three hours are going to be hell.

      I turn myself away from the kitchen and head into our room down the hall, knowing I need to do something to distract myself so I don't drive myself crazy or even worse, make my kitten upset with me, especially knowing he wouldn't tell me. He's trying so hard to be considerate towards my feelings too, but I know he needs me to take a step back so that he can get back to being okay.

     I go into my closet to grab my jacket, knowing it's raining outside, as I try to think where to go. If I get into my car without a destination in mind, I'll end up at Thomas' job like I always do. For a brief second, I think about going over to the pack lands but immediately banish the thought from my mind.

      Though we can all hang out as a group as we've done before, I still haven't completely forgotten what they've done. Nor have we had a talk about it, as it's been silent on both side and if they think I have something to apologize for, they're dead wrong.

I groan as I throw myself back on the bed, no longer knowing what to do to quell the rising unease at my kitten working tonight.

I'm laying there, like the anxious bastard I am, staring at the ceiling when I suddenly get an idea.

I grin to myself, hoping that I'm not too late as I rise from the bed, grab my keys and phone before I'm heading down the hallway and out the door. I pass the elevator, as everyone always does, and I've found out that we all have a collective fear that we're going to get trapped.

I make my way down the three flights of stairs, jogging on my descent as I let gravity carry me.

    I turn left and make my way down the long hallway until I reach the door at the end. I raise my first and knock on the wood three times before there's a response, the voice sounding more tired than usual.

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