Interactive Post: Upcoming

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I think I will be starting a new journal because this one is almost at 100 parts. I don't want new readers to be discouraged by the amount of information and stuff they have to read. So some times this week, maybe tonight, maybe wednesday depending on how it goes, I'm going to be making a new journal.

Also, today I'm going at a chill pace with my writing bc it's been a hard day.


So a lot of books are in the making and coming up and I wanted to talk about them for a little bit.

First are the books that are still in the making.

Pushed Aside

-How is PA so far?

-What do you think the book needs more of?

-are the characters and feelings realistic?

-who do you want to see more of?

-what is something (besides the obvious character development) that you want to see from elliot?

-are there any extras from PA that you want to see?

Letting Go

-who is your favorite?

-what do you think the ending is going to be?

-what do you think of Kane's family?

-do you think Elliot will learn how to drive?

When Secrets Run Out

-what do you think of the whole Originals concept?

-which Vampire do you think you would be?

-which oreos are your favorite?

-Ollie or Eli?

-How do you think these two are going to work out?

-should there be an official angst?

-what do you want to learn more about?

This Side of Pain

-how were Ben's teasers?

-should I have extra chapters in the notebook that are Ben's flashbacks or should I include them in the book or a little of both?

-What do you think of Maggie?

- how do you think Ben react to Colton?

Untouchable Fruit

- what would you like to know about Faeries in the book?

- would you rather learn more about court overall or what it's like being a royal?

-so I can't fit all the other MCs in this book because there will already be a lot of characters, but besides James, Cody and Alex, who would you like to see Cameo in Arts book?

-So I've never written a girl on girl book and right now I'm thinking this book will only have soft smut so I can slowly get used to it. I may get bolder as time goes on but for now it's going to be mostly the story plot.

Dirty Little Secret

- what do you think about Jason treating Nick like a regular person?

-what do you think about their family?

-what do you think the parents are hiding?

-(if you've read the description) who do you think isn't biologically apart of the family?

-who is your favorite so far?

Alright thanks guys! I love you all so much!

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