Cody Goes Clubbing

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Cody's POV

    I stand in the mirror nervously looking at my outfit contemplating if the shimmering tank top that Enzo gave me looks okay. The color looks beautiful and I love the way it shines in the light but I'm not so sure how it looks on me especially with being a boy and all as much Enza can rock the look I'm not one hundred percent sure that I can.

     I'm wearing a gold sparkled tank top that comes down right past my hips, black skinny jeans adorning my legs. If I have to say anything good about the outfit it would definitely have to be how my small ass looks great in these jeans though James always tries to convince me it's anything but. l'm still looking at myself in the mirror when there's a soft knock on the door before James enters even though it's his room as well. I turn towards him to see what he needs when he stops and just openly stares at my body.

    I look down at my clothes and cringe, knowing that it was a bad idea in the first place. I turn around I'm going to change my outfit when James' voice stops me. " Holy hell Cody you look great." He tells me and my head whips around as I stare at him in wide eyed confusion and embarrassment.

     "You like it?" I asked him when I don't disbelieve him, needing the confirmation that he does. However if I took just a second to glance down any lower it would be quite evident just how much he adores outfit. His eyes are hooked on my body from my caramel skin to my ass that looks more juicy than it ever has in real life. After staring at me for a solid two minutes he slowly walks towards me his gaze clouded it when he reaches me his hand coming up to lift my chin.

     "You look fucking amazing." He tells me looking straight into my eyes and I blush looking away from his forest green soul stones, not being able to take the pure love and need that shines deep in them.

    "Thank you." I say shyly, allowing him to pull me in for a hug and then a kiss, my lips puckering up for his. His warm lips against mine makes me moan and the answering growl that's pulled from his chest has my knees weakening before he forces himself to pull back.

     "Come on, bean, if we don't leave now, we're not leaving." He promises me and the unspoken message in his words makes me that much less excited about going out tonight. I allow him to take my hand as he lead me to the bed and help me put on my shoes. Though I don't need any assistance I let him because I recognize that him smothering and pampering me is his love language and that's how he makes sure that I feel loved and that we're okay. Plus I think it's secretly the cutest thing ever.

     Once my shoes are on tight how I like them, he grabs my hand and his phone laying beside me before he leads me to the living room. I grab my own phone from off the charger and the keys beside the door as he goes around to turn off all the lights only leaving on the one above the stove for when we get back home. After everything is done I open the door for us to head out of the house letting James close behind us, before we're walking down the stairs in the driveway towards our car.

     I smile gratefully as James comes around to open my car door and I slip inside the passenger seat tucking my legs in before it's closed behind me. James comes around the car until he gets to the driver side and slide into the vehicle himself before we buckle up as he starts the car. He pulls out of the driveway and I can't help but wipe my sweaty hands in my pants nervous for tonight. Once James and Sloan had found out that I've never been to a strip club, though I don't know why they were shocked since we're always together, they planned for tonight to be my first experience on a long bucket list that they've created for me.

      To show you how much I was a part of the list making process I must tell you that beer pong is on there as well.

      I've never had beer.

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