You belong with me

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As you walk out the bathroom, you see a familiar face talking with a teacher. Your sneak over closer to get a peep.
"Ok, well, I'll see you at 6th period!" An odd voice says to the student.
The green teacher says as he walks away. You walk closer to see who the mysterious face is and you see him..
It is none other then Zero the Jackal!! He is pressing an ice pack against his black eye and he has tissues stuck up his bloody nose to stop the blood. You instantly start tearing up after remembering the horrible things he did. Zero catches a glimpse at you and starts walking in your direction. You turn the other way and start speed walking outta there.
"H-Hey!" The jackal says as he tries to catch up to you.
You stop in your tracks. You turn your head slightly to look at him, but you keep it dramatic. The jackal catches up you and taps you on the shoulder. You turn around and shout in his face.
"Don't TALK TO ME! You ruined my friends LIFE!!" You scream as you spray saliva in the hurt jackals face.
He looks down in shame.
"I-It's not what you think! I'll tell you everything.." he says as he reaches for your hand.
You hesitate for a second, but you want him to spill some tea, so you end up taking it. Zero drags you away to a more private area to talk. He brings you over to a stair well and sits down on the 5th step. You take a seat next to him.
"So.. what happened?" You say annoyed as you cross your arms.
"Well.. it all started when a group of my friends made a bet with Shadow during track.."

               ~FLASH BACK SEQUENCE~

On the track:

"Hey Shadow, I bet you 10 bucks that you can't beat all 5 of us together in a race!" One of the jackal's say.
Shadow scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"Only 10 bucks..?" Shadow says annoyed.
"How about 15 bucks and a pack of cigs?" Another jackal says.
"Pfft.. you got yourself a deal.." Shadow says as all of them line up at the line.
"On your Mark.. get set.. GO!!" Sonic says as he waves a flag.
All five of the jackals run super fast. Shadow builds up momentum and immediately starts boosting. He is so fast he blows dust in all five of the jackal's faces. Shadow runs back around and crosses the Finnish line, leaving the jackals following 30 seconds later.
"SHADOW WINS!!" Sonic shouts as everyone jumps up and cheers in unison.
"I beat you, you pathetic fools. Now.. where's my 15 bucks and cigs?" Shadow huffs and pushes them.
"Alright alright, man! Chill out! I'll give em to ya after school!" The jackal's says as he dusts off his gym shorts

It's now the end of the day and Shadow meets one of jackal at the front of the school.
"Aight dude, you one fair n' square. Here's ya prize" the jackal says, hands shadow the money and pack of cigarettes.
Just then, the Coach Big was outside and saw them with the drugs.
"Hey! What are you guys doing?" The fat cat says slowly as he approaches them.
"I'm getting my prize, what's it to ya?" Shadow says annoyed as he takes the drugs out of his hands.
"Are those things drugs?" The obese cat asks innocently.
"Duh.." the black hedgehog says as he's lighting a cig up.
"But.. drugs aren't very nice.." the cat says as he puts his ears down.
Shadow ignores the annoying teacher and walks away before getting stopped by a big adult, wearing a red suit. His name is Principal Robotnik.
"I think you should hand over those drugs, you two!" The principle says angrily as he grabs the cigs from the jackal and the hedgehog.
"Where did you even get these?" Robotnik says as he lights a cig for himself.
"This dude gave em to me! He forced me to take one or I would get kicked off the track team!" Shadow shouts as he points at the jackal.
Just then, Zero walks out to meet his friend before getting slapped in the face.
"Hey, what was that for?" Zero says as he rubs his cheek wound.
"You told me to do the bet!!" The jackal says shoving Zero.
"Yeah! As a joke!" Zero says defending himself.
"You gave him the idea!" Shadow yells at Zero.
Zeros friend smirks.
"And you told me to bring the drugs to school!!" The jackal shouts.
Eggman looks at the jackal with rage.
"Hey! That's not what happened at all! I wasn-"
"SHUT UP, YOU IDIOTIC FOOL!" The principle screams sternly.
"YOU ARE BOTH KICKED OFF THE TRACK TEAM! And you, Zero, are getting suspended for a weak!" Eggman shouts.
"AND YOU, FREDDY (zero's friend), ARE GETTING EXPELLED FROM THIS SCHOOL!!" The principle screams in the students ears.
Eggman drags Freddy by the ear away to talk to his parents, leaving shadow and Zero together.
"You.." shadow whispers, clutching his fist.
"YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!" Shadow epically punches Zero in the face, making Zero land on the floor.
"No I didn't!" Zero screeches as he kicks Shadow in the shin.
"I FIGGIN HATE UUUU!!!" Shadow pulls Zero's long locks and punches him again in the gut.
Zero lands on on the floor backed up against the wall. Shadow stomps on his body with his big cleats.
"Pfft.. worthless.. Don't ever show your pathetic face around me ever again.." Shadow scoffs as he walks away, climbing onto his motorcycle and driving away.
Zero is left there, still sitting in pain. He takes a look at his bear hands..
"I-I'm.. shaking.. me? Me.. Afraid..?" the jackal whispers to himself.
He gets up slowly.
"Hrng.. pathetic? Me.. he's calling ME weak?!" Zero finally gets up on his feat.
"No! I am not weak! I'm.. im not. I am not weak!! I AM NOT WEEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKKK!!! ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Zero SCREAMS and pounds his chest like donkey Kong!

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