This love

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You and Jet are strolling around in the mall. Your eyes sparkle as you look at all the mini stores and you scream every time you see something you like. Jet giggles at your cuteness and holds your hand.
"So y/n, where do ya wanna go next?" Jet asks as he strokes your gloves hand in his.
You turn your head left and right and you scan around the mall. You then realize that you're only on the first floor in the mall! You look ahead and see the humongous escalator and your eyes widen. You immediately start shaking and you start squeezing Jet's hand tight, making it crunch a little. Jet howls in fear and pain and squawks and shrieks.
"W-What is it y/n?!" Jet squeaks as he screams through his teeth.
Your eyes start watering and you let go of jets hand.
"J-Jet-kun.. I'm scared!!" You scream as you hide your nose in his feathery chest.
Jet realists you're in fear and wipes his tears away. He pats your back in sympathy and kisses your forehead.
"I-It's ok y/n.. I had a fear of escalators too.. when I was um.. five.." Jet says sheepishly as he tickles your belly to cheer you up.
You are disgusted at this and claw his hand away and you hiss like a kitty.
"NO YOU IDIOT! IM NOT AFRAID OF ESCALATORS!!" You scream as you kick Het in the shin and call him all sorts of slurs.
Jet lands on the floor and cries like a baby. He rocks back and forth and clenches his stomach and rolls around. You are getting angry at him so you stomp on his tender feet harder.
"GET UP YOU GREEN MORON!!!" You scream as you slap his face.
Jet campy gets up and dusted off his lap. He wipes his tears away, but it accidentally smears his black eyeliner. Jet looks down in shame.
"T-Them what are you afraid of..?" Jet asks sheepishly as he rubs his neck.
"Look up.." you say as you lift his chin up so he can see the second floor.
Your eyes widen and you start tearing up again.. Jet's eyes widen as well and his jaw drops.. what you both see is terrifying..

 what you both see is terrifying

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You both scream in horror and you jump into Jet's noodle arms

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You both scream in horror and you jump into Jet's noodle arms. He manages to lift you up and you both squeal in fear. You cry and sob and scream and you snuggle up next to Jet's gorgeous beak. You are both terrified of what you saw. Jet is barfing in HORROR and accidentally puked in a 3 year old girl's ice cream. The girls screams and cries and kicks Jet in his no no area. He shouts in fear and anger and spanks the small panda girl on the lips. She goes and tells her fat mother and she storms over to you and Jet.
"What did you do to my precious baby?!?!" The ugly Karen screams in your face.
You've had enough...
You punch that fat freaks massive jiggle bits and rip her underwear off with your teeth. You growl at her for intimidating your boyfriend. You roundhouse kick her bazingas again and they are ripped CLEAN OFF. You scream as you realize what you have done...
But then you realize they were fake and she was a fraud. You make fun of her and mock her. The mother bites your wrist but you konk her face in and she lets go. You quickly run up the elevator with jet attached to your wrist. Despite your fear of Despicable Me, you run past them and fly into the nearest shop...Hog Topic. You both hide near the band tees.
"Wow that was crazy..."Jet remarks.
"Defo..." you sigh, still holding your boy's hand.
You then hear a familiar voice from the other end of the store.
You peek around the corner to see the edgy male berating a scared employee.
"I'm sorry sir! If you have a complaint you can take it up with-"
"SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS NOBODY!!!"Shadow screeches at the poor boy. He spits in his face and gives him a wedgie.
"YOU WILL GIVE ME A DISCOUNT ON STAR WARS PINS RIGHT YOU LITTLE LOSER?!?!" Shadow demands, tightening his grip on the teen's thing.
"Y-yes!!! Whatever you say! Just please let go!!! Uncle! Uncle!" The teen SCREAMS.
"That's more like it," shadow smirks as he throws the employee to the ground and spits in his face.
"Homo!" Shadow berates as he storms off to the anime section.
You and Jet laugh at how stupid Shadow looks as he's still in his wheelchair from his injury you gave him. You and Jet smile at eachother and you both decide to walk over to the angry hog. You turn your head and your eyes widen as you see the edgey hedgehog running over poor mobians piggies. He angrily comes to a stop as he examines killakill body pillows. You walk over and cover your eyes as you don't want to look at any inappropriate anime body parts. You slap Jet's eyes closed as well so he doesn't go peeking at hot anime gfs. You growl at the thought of Jet being with somebody else. Shadow notices you both are watching him and screams and flips you both off. You scream as well and stomp on his 2 broken feet. Shadow jowls and slaps you in the lips, making it them bright red and puffy. You grabs Jet's arm and screech in his ear as you are mad at the fact that someone has the audacity to even lay a finger upon you. You whimper and snuggle close to Jet. Jets wraps his arms around you a purrs but also growls at Shadow.
"Look you ninnies.. why are you FOLLOWING ME!!" Shadow yells as his eyes are bloodshot red, almost like sonic.exe.
"Look buddy.. we aren't looking for any trouble!" Jet says protectively as he kisses your cheek.
Shadow rolls his eyes and spits in both of your faces. You are both disgusted at someone would actually do that to you. Your eyes start to water and your nose wrinkles up as you are about to baby cry. Jet notices this and rocks you back and forth.
"See what you did, you edgelord??? You hurt my poor seniorita's feelings!! HOW COULD YOU??" Jet squeals as he hold you closer.
Shadow looks at you both confused and steers his wheelchair away. You couldn't take it anymore. You've been holding it in this entire time...

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