Bad loooove

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You and your very bestest friends are grooving out and shaking your hips and waving your hands in the air like you just don't care. You giggle and laugh as Amy is showing you what she can do with her nose. You start banging your head back and forth as you all are jamming out to "Moves like jagger" by macaroon 5.
"HAHAHAH THIS IS SO MUCH FUNNN!!" You scream in excitement and you twerk ferociously on the car seat.
Jet looked at you with confusion as you are breaking the laws of physics by somehow twisting and turning your body to twerk while you are still muckled up.
"How are you doing that, babe?" Jet asks with the scratch of his head.
You giggle and give him a wink, but then smack him on the head for even questioning you.
"I'm just mysterious like that~" you say with a sly smirk.
Suddenly, you feel a giant thud And hear a big "SCREEEEERBVCVV" sound. Which makes your thicc cheeks jiggle and you fling back into the trunk of the convertible, while your still attached to your seatbelt.
"Ok chums, we're here!" Sonic shouts enthusiastically.
You grin a big grin and scoot your rump and you run out of the car, screaming like a clown giving birth.
"Yay! We here!!" You shout and grab Jet out of the car.
You come to a stop. You realize Het hadn't been being a gentleman to you lately. You grab Jet by the chest feathers and throw him back into the car, throwing yourself in the process.
"W-What..?" Jet asks with innocent eyes.
"AHEMMM" you grit your teeth and elbow Jet in the stomach.
Jet sighs with confusion sweats nervously.
"O-OH! Right.."
Jet gets out of the car first and opens the door for you.
"M'lady.." Jet smirks and tilts his goggles.
You blush and get out of the car and kiss his cheek. Jet blushes and opens Sonics houses door. You make your way inside with Star eyes.
"What took you guys so long? We've been waiting for you for like 5 minutes.." Amy says with confused eyes.
You giggle and step on Jet's toe in anger.
"Oh well" sonic says.
"Hey guys I texted my very best friend to join us if you don't mind," Sonic says nonchalantly.
"Let's guess who it is!" Amy says giggling.
"Knuckles?" Jut asks
"Nope," say sonic.
"Shadow?" You ask.
"Ew H*ELL no!" Sonic gags.
"Tails?" Amy asks.
"No he's busy studying with Vosmo," Sonic says wiping a tear.
You hear a loud and booming doorbell echo through the house.
"He's here!" Sonic says excitedly as he excitedly races to the door.
"Hey bro! Glad you could make it!!," Sonic says in enthusiasm.
"Ze bleasure eez all mines," says the French male accent.
You freeze as you realize who it is. You witness Antoine D'Coolette enter the door. He is wearing his fancy baby blue footy pajamas with a bum flap and is sucking his binky. He has his sleeping mask and baby blankie in his hands. His face is bright and beautiful but his expression sinks as he looks at you. He clicks his tongue and looks to the floor in anger. You clench your fist and glare at the pathetic male. How dare he be mad at you. You glare holes into him. He gulps and looks away with tears in his eyes.
"Now that Twins is here let's set up to sleep in my room," sonic grins.
Amy blushes as she can't wait to sleep in her blue idols room. Jet slyly holds your hand with a squeeze and you look at him with sexy eyes. You were going to sleep with Jet. (Omg in his sleeping bag you PERVERTS!!! 🤣😏). Your eyes dart around the house looking for someone else.
"Where is the rest of your family?" You ask.
"Mom is out at a charity dinner. Sonia is out at her vegan poetry night and Manic is in his room getting high," Sonic sighs.
You start fantasizing about all four boys fawning over you and kissing you as you make your way to Sonic's room.
You begin drooling at the wonderful thought, but then you turn your head to see the brown french male glaring at you. You snap your pencil neck around to face him, making him jump with great fear.
"Em! M-Mon ami..? Eh.. I've been meaning to talksz wit you.." Antoon squeals while shaking.
You tilt your head in confusion.
"What is it?" You ask, blinking your eyes softly.
That made the French coyote blush red and he starts shaking more.
"Well I um.." he blinks and shakes aggressively.
You begin to feel impatient.
"SPIT IT OUT YOU WUSSY" you spit in his face and your brains begin pulsing with rage.
That made the French male shake even more. He then decides to put his big boy pants on and mustards up strength.
He grabs his soft and fluffy light blue blanket and twirls it around in the air like a tornado. He kept twirling his blanket like Linus from Charlie Brown, and he does tons of tricks with it. He smirks confidently and does cowboy tricks. Your eyes widen in amazement and laugh and giggle in joy. He then with his magic blankie, grabs you and pulls you closer to him. You gasp and push him away very aggressively as you are claustrophobic. You spit in his face once more and stomp and crunch his foot in anger.
You rip it up and tear it to bits. You laugh like a maniac and tear it apart. You spit and stomp on it's remains and giggle and laugh. You tinkle in your diaper a little bit from excitement, but you continue laughing hysterically. Antoine looks at his bby blanket in horror and looks at you with fear. His lip is quivering and he shivers in complete fear. He runs away sobbing and starts cursing in French. Jet pears around the corner of the Galway to see what all the fuss is about and freezes.
"Y/n, what happened??" Jet calls out to you.
"Shit up!!!" You scream as him and crunch his tender beak. Jeff howls in pain and you roundhouse kick him in the head in the stomach and in the crotch. You run off and cry in a corner, you cry and cry your lungs out.
"You need a pick me up?" A high voice calls to you. You look up from your corner to see a toked out Maniac holding out a pot brownie.
"No drugs are for gay frogs," you say sniffling.
"Whatever," manuc shrugs and eats the whole thing in one bite.
"Wanna have some fun with me in my room?" Mania wiggles his eyelids in sex.

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