Chapter Thirty-Three • I Must Confess

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"Estella Marie Rose," George breathed, causing Estella's heartbeat to speed up.

"I don't know what it is, but ever since I met you I can't seem to stop thinking about you." He continued.

"And I think, that I actually might really like you." He finished as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Estella didn't know how to feel in that instant, he had literally told her exactly what Estella had wanted to tell him.

"George.." Estella breathed,

Before Estella could tell George how she felt, Madam Pomfrey came walking over.

"Visiting hours are over, Mr Weasley, I'm going to have to ask you to leave now." She informed him.

"Oh, right," George started as he got up and started walking out.

Before he could leave, however, George turned back to look at Estella whom hadn't said a word to him.

George lowered his gaze to the ground before leaving the hospital wing.

'Smooth' Estella thought to herself.

Estella sighed as she turned her gaze over to Madam Pomfrey, "Now, this will take some of the swelling away and help you get a good sleep." She told Estella.

"But I'm not tired." She told the elderly nurse, "Oh trust me, you'll be tired after you drink this." She said matter-of-factly as she handed the clear liquid to her.

Estella sighed as she took a large swig of the liquid then scrunched her face.

"Goodnight Miss Rose." Madam Pomfrey said before walking away,

Before Estella could say anything, she felt her eyes fade in and out. Soon enough, she had completely closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.



Estella woke up early in the morning and had instantly been allowed to leave the hospital wing.

Yawning, she walked around the castle until she made it up to the Gryffindor girls common room. The girls had already gone down for breakfast, leaving Estella alone in the dorm bedroom.

As she slowly made way into the bathroom, she had remembered everything that happened yesterday and looked over to the mirror. A good majority of the swelling had died down but there had still been some bruising next to her eye.

"What a day." Estella breathed as she rolled her eyes then walked over to turn the shower on,

As the water started to come full force out of the shower head, Estella started to wiggle out of the same clothes she had worn the day before then walked into the tiny space, making sure to close the glass door behind her.

She sighed as water ran down her body, her hair became a mousy brown as she closed her eyes while enjoying the heat. She didn't know exactly what Madam Pomfrey gave her but Estella had one of the best sleeps in her life.

After she finished showering, and had gotten ready she walked out of the dormitories and on her way to the Great Hall, most likely all her friends would be there.

All her friends,

At that moment, Estella remembered George had told her that he liked her. Estella was the girl he had told Julia about in his letters, he had actually felt the same way about Estella as she had felt about him.

But then she remembered that she hadn't even told George how she felt about him.

When Estella finally reached the Great Hall, she looked around to find all her friends sitting at the same spot on the same bench waiting for her.

The Girl with the Lavender Hair (George Weasley)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon