Chapter fourty-Five • OWL exams

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Estella yawned, today the gang would complete their O.W.L's and Estella couldn't figure out if she were excited or nervous. After two whole weeks of nonstop exams, all she knew was that she had been exhausted from all the studying.

"So how was your date with George the other night?" Angelina asked as they both walked down to the great hall together from the common rooms.

Just like Estella, Angelina had sported dark bags under her eyes from the all nighters she had to do in order to study hard for the exams.

"Great, we had a wonderful time." Estella smiled as she remembered how the date had gone.


As George and Estella made their way down the hallways, they finally found Draco and his friends sitting outside in the courtyard.

"Ready?" George asked as he handed Estella the sling-shot, she took it gladly and placed a dung bomb inside the pocket of the sling-shot.

She gripped onto both the sling-shot and the dung bomb as she pulled the rubber piece back then once she had felt it had been far enough she let it go and watched as the dung bomb flew far until it exploded upon the tree Draco and his friends were sitting by, a green smoke erupted from the small brown ball. Both Estella and George watched as the Slytherins quickly got up from where they had been sitting and ran quickly from the putrid smell.

"Hurry, lets go!" George said as they both ran off again to the next victims.

-End Flashback-

Estella smiled.

That day they had pranked as many students as they could and had actually gotten away with it.

"What about you, Ang?" Estella asked her friend, this caught Angelina's attention almost immediately.

"It wasn't a date." She snapped, "But if you must know, hanging out with Fred went well." She said as she crossed her arms.

"Whatever you say." Estella mumbled as the girls finally walked into the great hall, Alicia and Lee had already been sitting in their spots.

"Miss Rose, you will be seated in the third row up at the front." Professor McGonagall instructed as Estella made her way towards the seat.

She noticed that beside her and behind her, sat three students that she hadn't known. Estella sighed.

She sat down in her seat and stared at the OWL exams in front of her, by now the thought of the exams had started to cause her nerves to rise and her hands to become clammy. She wondered if she would pass, even though she had trusted herself she wasn't fully sure she had practiced everything she could. What if the students she tutored ended up flunking? It would all land on her.

Estella breathed in, then out as she looked up at Professor McGonagall who stood at the front of all the other students.

As soon as she started talking, Estella hadn't actually listened, she began looking around the room to try to find one of her friends. So far she had found Alicia and Lee whom had been sitting close to each other, Angelina had been sitting far in the very back and way down on the opposite side of the room sat Fred way in the back as well.

The only person she couldn't find, was George. Had he made it to the exams? What if he actually decided that he didn't need to take it?

This caused Estella's anxiety to rise once more in her chest, she breathed again once more before turning around and opening one of the exams.

'Breathe, Stella, breathe'


Estella sighed as she walked out of the Great Hall. She had hoped that whatever happened, she would of passed. If she didn't, she could always retake the exams right?

"How'd it go?" She heard as the twins walked up behind her, "Well, hopefully good." Estella shrugged.

"At least it's all over." Fred sighed.

"So what should we do now then?" Estella asked them, the two twins made quick eye contact before both smiling.

"A few quick pranks?" They both asked which made Estella chuckle, "Why not? It's our last few days as fifth years."

With that, the three ran off to find Peeves to help them pull a few pranks.


Later, the whole gang sat in their usual hang out spot in the common room.

"I think," Lee breathed, "We can officially call this our hang out spot, don't you lot think so?" He asked his friends.

"Well where else could we hang out?" Angelina asked.

This question caused all of Estella's friends to start thinking, where else could they actually hang out at that they could call their own?

"I can't come up with anything," Fred finally said after a long pause, "Me neither." Alicia replied.

"Guess this is just our spot." Lee shrugged before putting his hands behind his head.

After a few more moments of silence, Alicia opened her mouth.

"So how's everyone feeling about their exams?" She asked.

Estella felt her stomach churn as she thought of her exams.

"I think I did well," Angelina said, "I most likely flunked." Lee chuckled.

"How could you find that funny? This is your future, Lee." Angelina told him.

"Well, I mean it's not like it's a big deal it's just a stupid exam." He shrugged, "Besides, I'll just help Fred and George with the joke shop." He smiled as Fred and George sat up proudly.

Angelina rolled her eyes.

"Well," Alicia started, "What about you, Stella?" She asked.

Estella's hair had gone from mousy brown to light blue, her hands became clammy again.

"I'm not entirely sure," She said as she brought her knees up to her chest, she wrapped her arms around them.

"I'm only hoping it works out." She sighed.

"It'll work out," Alicia smiled, "You're the brightest witch in our year, you'll do great."

Estella smiled slightly at Alicia's reassurance. Of course, she still had her doubts about passing her exams but she felt that Alicia's reassurance was something she needed to hear to remind her that she would be alright.

"Well," Estella started, "We better get some sleep so we don't miss the train tomorrow." She said as she got up from the floor and turned to George.

"Goodnight," She smiled as she gave him a peck on the cheek, George smiled at her before she walked away.

Alicia followed in suit, Angelina stayed awhile longer of course.

"They are bound to get together." Alicia giggled as the two girls walked into their dorm room.

"With how much they hide their feelings, it shouldn't be too far from now." Estella replied as she walked over to her bed.

"What do you think you'll do on summer holidays?" Alicia asked, "Not sure yet, I'd like to hang out with George a bit more though." She smiled.

A few days before, George and Estella had talked about spending the summer holidays together.

Estella lay in her bed, thinking of all the things her and George would do during summer holidays together and smiled before slowly closing her eyes.

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