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Kenma has been staring at his phone since he came back home from school, he felt like a fool waiting for a message but everytime he tries to distract himself from it he always end up failing. So here he is, waiting for a specific person to message him, for no particular reason, or maybe that particular reason is better off left unsaid.

New text message!
Shoyo: [Kenma! Where are you? Class just finished ^___^]

His lips slowly curved into a smile, but then immediately broke realizing that he needs to cancel their plans for today. Kenma slowly taps on his phone's keyboard, already thought of what he wanted to say.

Kenma: [I wasn't feeling well and went home, I'm sorry]

Shoyo: [Aw, don't be sorry, we can hang out some other time! Get well soon!!!]

Kozume heaves out a sigh as he places down his phone on the bedside table, watching the screen fade to dim and finally black.

It wasn't like he has a fever, a cold, a cough, an allergy. He just had this gut feeling something would happen if he and Hinata ended up spending the whole day together. He wasn't sure if it was a good or bad idea but being safe than sorry looked like a better route for him to take.

Kenma lies down on his bed, his left forearm cover both of his eyes. "I wanted to buy that new game with Shoyo."

He felt a dull ache as he said that, it was haunting, but what's more frightening is he doesn't know why he feels this sort of way.

"I'm so dumb" he whispers, removing his forearm from his face, staring at the ceiling as this unexplainable emptiness haunts him more. And then he finally let's it out.

He sits up from his bed and started  silently crying. A stream of tears began to fall down the boy's cheeks.

Still unsure why. He started panicking. Is it because of the horrowing vacuity inside his chest? Is it because of the wasted chances? Or is it... Is it because of Shoyo?

A star leaves Kenma's eye, he felt a pang of pain as the star slowly left.

With eyes slightly widened and with breathing uneven, there he realized.

He's suffering from unrequited love.

Kenma shakes his head, his expression was filled with incredulity. Who? Who? Who did he fell in love with?

He knew he hasn't fallen in love with the orange haired boy, he's very sure of it.

Or maybe he's in denial.

He didn't want to admit it, the fact that his heart beats ever so slightly whenever Shoyo beams a wide grin, or the fact that he'd focus all his attention to him to the point where everything else around him would fade away.

"Sh-Shoyo is my friend..." Kenma could barely let out those very few words as he winced in pain after, there were more stars running down his cheeks, the pain was almost unbearable, but to him the pain of realizing that he fell in love with a friend who doesn't feel the same way hurts a little differently, it didn't hurt as much as the stinging in his eyes but the added emptiness inside him is telling him otherwise.

He closed his eyes thinking it would stop. If this continues he'll turn blind soon. Kenma slowly inhales and exhales, trying to normalize his breathing.

Once he finally calmed down a bit, he grabbed his phone an called the first person he thought of, the person who would certainly help him when in need.


"K-Kuroo... Have you h-heard of star tears?"

"Kenma, don't tell me."

"P-Please come over... n-now."

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