Chapter 1

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"I'm glad there was no trouble, as it is my last night here." I say sitting on a stool across the other side of the bar island.

"Oh Y/N, are you sure you want to leave?" My uncle Peter asks me worriedly.

I sigh. My uncle's a good guy, he's basically my only family even though we're not blood related. Sometimes he's like a Farther figure for me. I also have Lilith, basically my best friend and a sister to me.

My uncle and I have already discussed this, about me leaving to another place to be safe. I can feel it, something bad is slowly creeping its way to me.

I sigh again. "Uncle." I say seriously. He sighs and looks at me. "I understand. You're serious about this and nothing can change your mind, and normally your instincts are right." He says then looking down.

"Don't be sad on me Uncle, sometime when I know I'm safe, I'll come back and see you again. I promise." I say smiling at him and he smiles back.

"Well Y/N, you better get on your way." He says sliglty smiling to hide his sadness.

I nod my head and smile then taking of a necklace. "I really do believe in magic and power, and stuff like that. This neckalce will protect you. Just make sure no one steals it from you. Especially drunk or bad people." I say putting it around uncles neck.

"Thanks Y/N. Be safe, and till we meet again. I love you." He says smiling softly.

I walk up to him and hug him. "Thanks pops. You too be safe. I love you." I say hugging him then letting go and leaving going to go to my  house.

I arrive at my house and I go to my bedroom and I start packing my belongings. I think cautiously and packs things I know I will be needing. I look over to my bedside table and take a frame with a photo in it of Mum, Farther and I.

Then after packing my things carrying two backpacks, one on my stomach and the other on my back, I leave through the back door just as I do, I hear banging on the front door.

I quietly close the door and start running somehow through a forest, but a beautiful one.

I end up stopping to take a breather and I walk looking around. Well, I'm lost. But the flowers around here are really beautiful. There's a wide range of different flowers, from what I can see. Some flowers are lavenders and some are daisy's and tulips. But those are the only ones I recognise.

I stop walking when I notice that I've come across large black gates and inside of them is a large mansion that looks almost abandoned. I walk infront of the gates and I jump at them suddenly opening up. Do these gates automatically open when they sense someone's presence? Anyways, let's go and see if anyone's inside.

I walk up to the mansions large two front doors and I knock three times. After waiting for a few seconds the doors slowly open and I look up to see a tall figure who's looking down at me with a terrifying look on his face. It's quite dark, so that might be why, but he's also wearing all black. But those clothes do look kinda good on him if I do say myself.

We kept staring at each other till I felt my head ache and my eyes slowly closing and then I pass out.

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