Chapter 24

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"Oh, Y/N!"

I hear a loud sing-song voice enter my room, and of course, it was just as I was about to fall asleep.

"Girl, I know you're awake. Why haven't I seen you all day?" Lilith asks.

I Groan and sit up looking at her.

"And where were you last night and this morning?" I ask a smirk discreetly forming on my face already knowing the answer.

"Oh, well I was with the older ones. Well, apart from Jin of course." Lilith says calmly.

Hm... She's rarely a good lier.

"Okay, whatever. I was also busy with the younger ones, including Hoseok." I say lying back down on my bed.

"Oh yeah, what'd you do?" Lilith asks.

"Hmm... I wonder..." I say slowly trailing of because I'm tired.

"Yah, are you seriously falling asleep now?" Lilith asks. I slowly nod lying on the bed.

"Okay, I'll get you in two or three hours." Lilith says.

I then fall asleep.


Ugh seriously, I'm back here?

I look around and I see the large white box-room Lucifer and I are inside of when he wants to talk to me. Especially when I'm asleep.

"Oh Y/N! I'm kinda proud you know. You can finally do something with your powers."  Lucifer says as he appears in front of me out of nowhere.

"That's not really much to be proud of. I mean, I just did one thing." I say.

"I agree." He says straightforwardly.

I roll my eyes at him and he sits down on a chair.

"So what is it this time?" I ask.

"Well, Y/N. Your Mother Muriel was a demon but also an angel. I know right? It doesn't make sense. I don't want to explain though so I'll get straight to the point." Lucifer says.

"Well, your Mother had certain powers I don't have, but I had certain powers your Mother didn't have. So I feel like you got a mix of powers from your Mother and I." Lucifer says.

"Well duh." I say like it's obvious, I mean, isn't it?

I am the Descendent of Lucifer so of course I would have some of the same powers that he has, and I'm my Mother's daughter, so like, of course I would have some of the powers she had.

"I heared your going to be practising your powers, combat and knowledge. I think you'll struggle on the last one." Lucifer says then chuckles.

"Why?" I ask, also knowing he's trying to annoy and tease me.

"Because you're not very smart my neice." Lucifer says.

"Ugh, whatever. Can I go now?" I ask.

"Yeah, but you do know you can leave the dream yourself, right?" Lucifer says and he click both his finger and he disappears.

I then click both of my fingers and I'm out of the dream. I sigh laying on my bed with my eyes open. I wonder if Lilith is coming for me soon. I reach out to my phone and I check the time.

"It's already four pm? I thought lilith was gonna wake me up!?" I say to myself.

"Well sweetie, I couldn't because you were in a deep sleep. Was it one of, those? " Lilith asks.

I know what she's referring to, the dreams I have with my uncle. Ugh... I nod at her and she sighs. I'm also not going to question why she has appeared suddenly beside me.

"Well Y/N, let's go. Jin is preparing dinner now. I know it's early but the younger ones begged him because they are starving. They almost took every snack they could from the kitchen but got caught by Namjoon." Lilith says and chuckles at the end.

"I'm quite hungry to." I say.

"Well, let's go to the dining room." Lilith says.

I nod and we walk to the dining room to see everyone apart from Jin, who's cooking, seated and talking.

I sit in between Hoseok and Jimin. Lilith sits beside Yoongi, he's at the end of our row.

-Time skip 5pm-

Jin brings dinner out with the help of Namjoon and they place the food on the table. Tonight we're having beef stir fry, buolgi and rice, along with vegetables. 

The younger ones are staring at the food with their eyes lit up and their mouths open.

"Okay, you may all now eat." Jin says and everyone gets their serve of dinner.

"Yum! Dinner's so delicious!" Jungkook says happily and cutely, stuffing his mouth with strifry.

"Yeah!" Jimin and Taehyung both say in agreement to what Jungkook said.

"Didn't you guys eat breakfast or lunch?" Namjoon asks. 

"" Hoseok says clearing his throat.

"And why not?" Jin asks.

To stop the younger ones from telling the truth by Jin's imtimidation, I speak, "Well, we didn't because they were too busy playing around all day. I had to stay with them or else they would've probably broken something or hurt each other. At a time I also joined in. We had fun so screw any of you if you think otherwise." I say straightforwardly spinning my fork in my right hand in a threatening way.

The four nod in agreement.

"Oh shit, she's got a fork." I hear Lilith whisper cheekily to Yoongi and they both nod and quietly chuckle.

"Okay, well seeing that this is true, it's okay. " Jin says.

"Really? Screw us if we think otherwise?" Yoongi questions in disbelief then scoffs, completely ignoring what Jin had just said.

"Well, at least they had some youthful fun." Lilith says lightening the tense mood Yoongi had created just from one thing he said.

"Youthful? Are you calling the rest of us old? Remember, I'm the same age as Hoesok." Namjoon says.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot." Lilith says and chuckles.

"Anyways, if you're finished with dinner you can go of if you would like." Jin says.  

Jungkook quickly stuffs his face with a mouthful of food then runs of. Jimin and Taehyung then follow after him thanking Jin for dinner. 

The others then leave after thanking Jin for dinner, leaving Jin and I to wash the dishes.

The Descendant [Discontinued] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon