Chapter 12

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After eating dinner, Jin and I decide we'll wash up. Tsk, those lazy people. I mean, if Lilith was helping me I would feel better. But no, I'm doing this with Jin. But at the same time it, I'm willing to clean up and help out because they're letting me stay here.

While washing the dishes I realise I'm in deep thought. I turn to look at Jin whose looking at me.

I slightly smile at him then I look back down and continue to wahs up the dishes.

After washing them up I was about to leave until Jin stops in front of me.

"Y/N, I'm sure Lilith told you some things you didn't expect, or you didn't know of, but I just want you to know you can trust us, and we trust you." Jin says.

"Uh, yeah." I say but from the looks of it, that didn't reassure Jin. He just looks down.

"Um Jin, Lilith told me about you guys being from heaven, sent down to earth by God and what you're also considered and some things like that." I say now looking down feeling slightly anxious.

Jin sighs then hugs me. I blush and try to hide my face by looking down to the floor.

"Y/N, I think it's because we're not open with each other we don't trust each other that much. How about tomorrow all nine of us have a fun day together?" Jin suggests still hugging me.

"I guess so. But I don't know if I'll be safe going outside." I say uncertain.

"Who said we're going outside?" Jin says.

I look up at him confused.

"Haven't you seen our massive house? Well, mansion. The backyard is also amazing, we have a garden, pool and water slide." Jin says happily.

I start to get excited and I smile at him.

"You're really pretty Y/N." Jin says and smiles to me then realises he said that outloud.

I blush then look away and Jin let's go of me also looking away.

"W-Well, let's go back to the others. They're probably wondering where we are or what we're doing." I say walking out if the kitchen.

"Good idea.." Jin says then following me out of the kitchen.

Both Jin and I sit back down and Lilith and Jungkook then turn to me while the rest are talking.

I look at them surprised and confused. They basically did that in sync.

"Y/N, is that a light tint of blush over your cheeks?" Lilith asks teasingly.

"Did hyung do somehting to you?" Jungkook asks suspiciously.

I shake my head.

"Hehe, it's so obvious something happened between you two in the kitchen." Lilith says with a mischievous voice.

"Did he do something without your permission?!" Jungkook asks sounding protective.

Ugh, it's like the devil and angel in my head fighting, also trying to get answers from me.

"I bet he sat you on the counter then slowly walked up to you to then be in front of you-" Lilith was cut of by brotherly Jungkook.

"Wait, was he being a pervert!?" Jungkook asks shook.

"Like I was saying, he then stood between your legs and tilted his head up to kiss you." Lilith says.

A blush has now crept over my face. I shake my head rapidly in disagreement.

"Or maybe he was threatening her with a knife or pan. Wait, did he get you drunk? Because your cheeks are pinkish reddish. Maybe he really is trying to seduce you." Jungkook says squinting his eyes suspicious after.

I continue looking down flustered but also feeling annoyed at their nonsense.

"The kiss was sweet and soft, eventually it became deeper. You were then going to do an adult scene but didn't because you were in the kitchen and the rest of us were still around." Lilith says in a mischievous yet flolwy dramatic voice.

"No way. I will beat him up for you!" Jungkook threatens now believeing Lilith.

Oh Lilith, stop teaching the cute and innocent bunny smile, Jungkook, not so innocent things.

"G-guys... It's not like that." I quietly say.

"Oh Y/N, did you just say it was like that?" Lilith asks raising an eyebrow.

"Oh wait till I get my hands on him." Jungkook says then standing up pushing his chair back with the back of his legs.

Lilith smiles and I cover my face embarrassed.

"Hyung, how dare you try to seduce
Y/N!" Jungkook accuses Jin pointing his finger capturing everyone's attention.

Jin looks at Jungkook, then at me, then Lilith confused. By the way, I'm still covering my face with my hands, but I'm also peeking.

"What are you talking about?" Jin asks  sternly.

"Well, according to the girls you tried to-" Jungkook was speaking but I cut him of by standing and holding his left arm.

He looks at me confused.

Then I look at both Jungkook and Lilith with an angered and annoyed glare, but it wasn't as frightening as Jin's look.

Jin slowly stands up and the room is filled with tension and silence.

"Jeon Jungkook." Jin says with his head down. Jungkook puts his arm down questioning in his head why Jin has his head down.

"Where did you learn to speak like that and with that tone? Didn't your Mother teach you any better?" Jin asks coldy then he looks up with a scary and dark look on his face. Jungkook gets scared but continues to speak only to defend me.

"You're basically my Mother though." Jungkook says with a hint of 'isn't it obvious?' type of sass.

"Oh, so are you saying it's my fault you talked to me like that?" Jin continues.

Jungkook shakes his head knowing this is going to go far worse if he continues. The rest of the guys are sitting up straight, some amused and some scared. Lilith is enjoying this, but is also being cautious about getting on Jin's bad side. I'm frozen on the spot and I can feel Jungkook slightly shake beside me.

I then decide it's time for this to stop.

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