Chapter 2: The Negative

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After a long tiring day of serving customers drinks and dishes non-stop, (yes a hamilton reference) catching up with frequent customers, and just serving with a smile that could not be let down, the four of them were exhausted. Remy had left right after the place was cleaned up, so the 3 waiters were left by themselves, chatting away. "I know, but I was drunk, so-" Virgil retched. Holy shit. Why did he want to vomit so bad? Virgil tried to continue his sentence. "So-" He retched again. This time he barely caught himself from falling on the floor. Oh god. What was happening? "Virgil, are you okay, buddy? Do you need to rest?" "Do you feel alright?" Somehow, his friend's voices sounded somewhat muffled. "No, I'm fi-" Virgil could feel the vomit burning up his throat, but he pushed it back down. "You don't look very fine, though." It was true. You could see all his emotions on his face, and most of them were definitely unpleasant, judging from the face he was giving.

Patton's eyes lit up in realisation. "Wait... you were just saying you were in bed with your husband the whole night... could it be...?" No. Oh, no. Not that. Logan adjusted his glasses. "I know you won't want to do this, and it figuratively kills me to ask you as well, but it might be best for you to take a.... pregnancy test." "Yeah, I think... it's for the best." Patton agreed. Virgil sighed. "Come on, Virgil. Time to pee on a stick." Virgil rolled his eyes. "Wha- I don't wanna know, and that's that." " You've waited long enough, Virgil. I'm sorry for pushing it into your face, but it's better if you get to it and do it." Logan stated. "Okay, guys, enough," Virgil sighed, still debating the situation in his head. He knew doing the pregnancy test would definitely add to his gender dysphoria, but just in case his husband really got him pregnant... He sighed again. " You know what we mean, V! I'm sorry, I know it's tough for you, but trust me, we really mean the best for you." Patton smiled. "I hope you drank enough this morning," he added with a slight smile. "Besides, it's better to know-" "And we'll be right here with you, so.... There's no need to panic." " It's either no or yes, Virgil. But you still have to take the test just in case. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst." Logan said. "Guys..." Virgil felt frustrated. He didn't want to know if he was pregnant... and if he was, it would be very costly...

"Come on, Virgil! A squat and a squeeze, a prayer and a please, and it's over!" Patton cheered Virgil on. "It's just a stick and a line, Virgil. If it helps, there's only about a 20% chance you will be pregnant." Logan encouraged him in his own way. "One line, if I'm *lucky*." Virgil scoffed. "You can do it, Virgil! We'll keep our focus on the negative for ya!" Patton smiled. "Okay, fiiine." Virgil finally gave in to peer pressure as he grabbed the test stick and headed for the bathroom. "Could you guys read the instructions for me?" He called from the toilet. Logan began reading. "Se puede saber la duración de la-" "ENGLISH!" "Do not insert the test stick into your.... vagina." The two guys read aloud. "Wow, thank you, guys." Came the sarcastic reply. "How did I even get myself into this mess? It was just one night in that purple suit-" "Oh, I love that suit! The way it sparkles, it looks like an ice-skating outfit..." Patton sighed dreamily. "Stay with us, Patton! This is important!" Logan declared, clearing his throat. "It could be that his "machinery" could be figuratively broken, so try not to panic, Virgil." There was an audible groan from the bathroom. "I'm already panicked! How could I not?" "Maybe it'll all be fine, Virgil. Maybe, there'll just be one line!" Patton reassured Virgil.

After what seemed like hours of waiting (even though it was like 5 minutes), Virgil finally walked out of the bathroom. Patton tackled Virgil with a hug, "I'm so proud of you, Virgil! You were very brave to do that! It will all be alright, Virgil, trust me! It was only one night!" Virgil remained silent while the other two showered him with facts and reassurances, until... The alarm sounded. The test was ready. "Go on, Virgil!" Somehow, Patton remained cheerful as ever. Virgil sighed and got up from his seat. His legs seemed to be shaking as he approached the test kit slowly, preparing himself for the worst. Was there going to be one line? Or more? Virgil gulped. This was it. He checked the test results, and...

"Oh shit."

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