Chapter 5: Pomatter Pie

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" W-What? New doctor?" Great. Just great. First he had to wait for his turn with a bunch of annoying pregnant women, had a huge identity crisis, and now his doctor had retired and was replaced with this.... Jerk! " Yes, I know, it's shocking, but I'm your new doctor, I just moved here 2 weeks ago from Texas. Are you bored yet?" "Yes- No- Wha...?" The quirky doctor spoke so fast that Virgil almost couldn't catch a thing he was saying. "Uh... Sorry? If you're uncomfortable with having me as your doctor..." Here he took a deep breath, as if considering what to say. " Um...... That's fine?" Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Uhhh, my feelings won't be hurt. I mean, you can just go and get yourself another gynecologist in the area." Turning away dramatically, he whispered, "I never wanted this job anyways." Virgil was now kinda amused. He was 100% positive that this guy was a theater kid who had been forced to take up a serious job. Still, Virgil protested. "B-but, Lady Perkins delivered me. I-I feel like I know and trust her!" "Well, maybe you can get to know and trust me too." Roman smirked. "Well, fine. I'll try." Virgil sat down. "Great! I'll be your doctor!" There was a brief moment of awkward silence before Roman finally spoke up. "Nice to meet you, Mrs Hunterson." "Not Mrs, Mr." Virgil was surprised by his own words. Oh god. What if this weird... doctor just might be a homophobe? Virgil shook away the thoughts before hearing Dr- no, Mr Pomatter again. "Ah, a fellow prider! I'm a flaming homo myself. Being gay is fun. Now, what seems to be the problem?" Virgil sighed. Did he really have to tell Mr Pomatter this? "Well, I seem to be pregnant." "Oh, good for you. Congratulations." Virgil looked up in surprise. How was this homosexual man so oblivious to dysphoria and the other problems that transvestites face? Virgil felt something boiling inside him. "THANK YOU, but I don't want this baby." Virgil noted with a hint of sarcasm. He still wanted to tell Mr Pomatter off for disrespecting a fellow member of the LGBTQ+ community. "Okay, maybe we can perform-" "WAIT NONONONO! I mean, I want to keep this baby, but I'm just telling you, I'm not so happy about it. Also, who told you that a trans man was ever happy about having a baby? Could you... not be so.... Oblivious and maybe not just be like everybody else and congratulate me about it? Please? I'm having a baby, and that's that. Okay?" The doctor looked up from his notepad. "Huh, what? Oh, yes, I mean, I got ya." He then proceeded to jolt down the last of his notes, though Virgil had a sneaking suspicion he was drawing the whole time.

"Dr Pomatter? Ms Flemming would like to talk to you. Uh, she wants to discuss her colposcopy." The nurse entered the room at a good time. "Colposcopy? I have no idea what that is. I'm joking, of course I know that." Turning to Virgil, he whispered, "I really don't know what that is." Virgil just stared at the "doctor", mouth agape, not knowing what to do. How did this guy even get the job? The nurse sighed. "Okay, well, here's Mrs Hunterson's test results." Snatching the test results from the nurse's hands, he said a very awkward 'Thank you' and turned back to face Virgil. Reading the test results, Dr Pomatter noted, "Oh. Congratulations. Your- You definitely have a baby!" "Well, thank you." Virgil rolled his eyes. The doctor let out a little laugh, which was again followed by awkward silence. " Um, okay, do you have any concerns? Like, uh, pets, exercise, sex-" "I don't really do much either." "Okay, fair enough." The doctor nodded. "Here's your prescription for your, um, preview." Roman tore out a note from his notepad before accidentally letting it float in the air for a few seconds. Virgil tried his best to stifle a laugh as the doctor desperately tried to catch the small piece of paper. It was like watching someone play hot potato. When he finally caught it, Dr Pomatter was out of breath and panting heavily. " Uh, the prescription says what you can and can't eat, and uh, Mr, uh, Violet, I want to see you in three weeks." "It's Virgil. And, oh, I do have a question." Virgil paused for a while, swallowing his dignity for a few seconds. "How pregnant am I?" The doctor turned around with a blank stare. "Um. Very. Wait, n- I mean, it's really only one degree of pregnancy." "No, I mean, how far am I into it?" "Well, it's only 3 weeks. Give or take." "Great." "Yeah, excellent isn't it? Well, I will see you again." Virgil scoffed and rolled his eyes.

He turned to leave, but then stopped dead in his tracks. Turning around, he said, "Dr Pomatter?" Roman looked up from whatever he was doing. "Yeah?" Virgil smiled a little. "I want you to have this pie." "Oh yeah, that's cool! Absolutely delicious! But, uh, I'm off sugar for a while. I'm basically on a diet, so..." "Oh. Well, if you insist. But my mother always said, you can't live to be a hundred if you give up on all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred. So, please. Take it." "I don't think you've ever been off sugar but, I haven't had a piece of pie in years. Y'know, go- gotta reduce the sugar intake. Hoorayyyy." "Really? Then I think you'll like this." Roman watched as Virgil left the pie on the patient's chair and left promptly. After Virgil left, Roman eyed the pie on the counter. "Oh god, I really shouldn't eat it... but that pie looks so tasty right now..." He was almost drooling as he reached his hand out to touch it. "Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope." He had to resist the temptation. Roman proceeded to try to walk out the door, but the pie, being left all alone on the patient's seat, was beckoning him to it with its faint scent and its appealing exterior, and its spell was working. Roman poked his head back inside the room. "Maybe a little sniff will do." Creeping back into the room, Roman checked his surroundings. He wasn't about to let anyone see him eating a pie when he should have been working. Taking the pie from the patient's chair, Roman held the pie up to his nose. Instantly, fresh scents of marshmallow and candy and the airy sea breeze punched its way into his nostrils. Mermaid Marshmallow. There sure wasn't a mistake in its name. The smell was so powerful that Roman had forgotten what normal air smelt like. He knew he had to gobble up this delicacy. Grabbing a stethoscope from the drawer, Roman climbed onto the patient's chair, pie in hand. As he took the first bite from the end of the stethoscope, all reality seemed to disappear. It was like living in a dream, a fairy tale, a fantasy forest. A big goofy grin appeared on his face. Without hesitation, he inhaled the other bits of the crusty creation. 

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