Chapter 6: When He Sees Me

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"Listen, Remy, we had ketchups yesterday that were half empty. And we all know, the fuller the condiments, the fuller the experience. I'm so sorry, I'll make sure it never happens again!" Patton apologised. Remy nodded, sipping his coffee as usual. "Thank you, Patton. I'll sleep tonight!" Remy stretched his hands in the air like a cat before letting them loose again. The soft ringing of the doorbell signalled Virgil's entrance. "You're late." "Sorry Remy, the bus driver was half asleep!" Virgil half-growled with exhaustion and frustration. "I thought your damn husband bought a car already." "Well, he won't let me go anywhere with it." Virgil sighed as he went to prepare essential items in the store with Patton before they opened. "And you." Remy glared at Logan as he entered the store. "Late. Again." Logan walked- no, strolled through the store. "You're in hot soup for being 10 minutes late, ma'am." Logan scoffed. "Fine, then fire me. After all, this is only a small job in which I get minimal pay in, and I can find better jobs with better bosses elsewhere. Perhaps a big company with a desk job." Remy raised an eyebrow. "...Okay, I will." "Okay, do it then." Remy was left speechless with all of Logan's retorts as he walked back to his spot behind the counter, leaving Logan to get ready on his own.

"So, how was the doctor? Was it good?" Patton smiled, asking Virgil. "Did they present you with relevant information? Or was it useless?" Logan questioned, adjusting his glasses. Virgil rolled his eyes. "The doctor was fine. It was a new doctor. A guy." "Hmm. If he's single, maybe he could be good for Patton." "Haha, yeah, right..." Patton snorted. "Oh, anyways, Virgil, we got you a gift!" Patton squealed excitedly, leading Virgil to one of the diner's small seats. Virgil opened a brightly coloured bag with a small book inside it. Virgil grabbed the book before flipping through some of its pages, which were all largely decorated with multi-coloured stickers and realistic drawings."Here you go! I know how much you like baking, it's pretty obvious. Logan bought the book and did some amazing drawings in it. Anyways, I researched all the best recipes, so you can make even better pies next time! Oh, and some pages are blank, so you can write a letter to your baby." At the last sentence, Virgil's desires to thank Patton dissipated into thin air, but he still thanked Patton anyways. "...Thanks, Pat." "Gurls, get moving! We're opening in 5 minutes!" Remy hollered from the kitchen. The trio scrambled to their stations like mice when a cat enters the room. "We're not done enquiring about you, Virgil." Logan said as he arranged the Oreos on one of the trays on the counter. "I've had enough talk about my pregnancy, and I feel like shit. So, no. What about Patton? All this talk about dating, and he still hasn't gotten to it."

Patton sighed. "I don't know, guys, I just feel like I'm not up to it, y'know? I just... I don't know how it's going to go, like what if.... What if..." Patton groaned. "Guys, do you want to know something? I usually stick with real things, like facts, and figures, because, y'know, I get information, I can lessen the guessing game of life... but guess what?" "What?" Logan and Virgil looked up from their work. This was getting interesting, hearing Patton rant. Other than taking customers' orders and sorting out disputes with dissatisfied customers, they never really heard him outright talk to a customer before. He never really shoved his troubles in their faces either, so this was a first. As Patton vented his anger by wiping the table excessively in an exaggerated motion, as if to wipe out all the troubles in his life, the other two watched on in amusement. "I just don't like guessing games, like when I feel things before I know the feelings, like, it's all a game of chance. How am I supposed to operate if I'm just, y'know, tossed around by fate?" Here Logan nodded in understanding. "That's why I don't go on dates, because, well, some of them can be unexpected, maybe with a stranger who might talk too fast, or ask me questions about myself before I say he can, or things like that, y'know?" Patton chuckled nervously as he reached for the ketchup bottle and started excessively pressing down on the mustard dispenser. Logan mentally facepalmed as he let out a huge breath of air. "Um, Patton, it's the wrong- nevermind." Virgil said, before deciding not to disrupt Patton from releasing his stress. If Patton could calm down in that way, then so be it. Virgil couldn't care less. It was Remy's problem if customers complained, anyways. "He could ask me questions about myself, or he might sit too close, or call the waiter by his first name..." Patton put down the bottle as he walked to the tray of Oreos in a trance. "Please don't touch those, Patton, I just arranged them neatly," Logan softly groaned, but Patton couldn't hear him either way as he rambled on. "Or eat Oreos, but eat the cookie before the cream!?" Patton exclaimed as he took apart an Oreo, splitting it into two parts and holding them up. Patton's expression was so serious here, Virgil had to stifle a laugh. "But what scares me the most..." Patton placed the Oreo on the table now. Virgil took the chance to steal it, and snacked on it as if he was in a movie theater. Logan glared at Virgil; they weren't supposed to be snacking during work."But what scares me the most..." Patton continued. Swallowing a huge gulp of air, Patton mustered up his courage and said it aloud. "Is that when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way, and I can't hide from it, you know? Like, what happens then?" Turning to Virgil dramatically, he frowned. "What if... when he knows me, he's only disappointed? What if... I give myself away to only get it given back?" Here he took Virgil by the elbows and shook him vigorously. Logan rolled his eyes. No such man would do that to Patton, their sweet cinnamon roll. If anything, he would be chased after by other guys. Releasing his grip on Virgil, Patton mumbled, "I definitely couldn't live with that..." Virgil and Logan exchanged glances. "Fair enough" was the look plastered on their faces. "So I'm just fine, inside my... shell shaped mind, 'cause this way, I get the best view, so that when he sees me... It's when I want him to." Patton continued.

The air seemed awkward and still when the petite, baby-faced waiter finished his sentence. Until Virgil broke the silence with a very awkward statement, that was about to bring more lecturing on love to the table. "...Um... Patton, I don't mean to offend you, but, uh, don't you think you're being a little... I mean, maybe... just a tad bit def-" "I'M NOT DEFENSIVE!" Patton almost shouted before clearing his throat, making the few customers that just walked in very, very confused. "Sorry..." Patton blushed, smiling sheepishly to everyone else before continuing his statement. Grabbing a rag, he cleared his throat once more. "I mean, I'm simply being cautious! Y'know, I can't risk reckless dating due to my miscalculating mind. It's like a certain suitor standing in line, waiting for my affection, just like in television shows and late-night movies; You cannot be too careful when it comes to sharing your life..." Patton started wiping the tables without any focus at that moment in such a haste that he almost wiped a mug of coffee off one customer's table before Virgil could catch it. "I could end up a miserable wife!" Patton exclaimed dramatically, still stuck in his reverie. "Oh, forgive me, husband." Patton dipped the rag in water and continued to wipe the seats of the velvet red chairs next to the counter. "But he could be a criminal! Probably some sort of psychopath who escaped from an institution-" "Okay, Patton, now you're just over worrying," Logan frowned. "He could have masterminded some way to find me... Heck, HE COULD BE COLOURBLIND!" Patton almost screamed out of anxiety as he finished wiping the last of the seats... and a frightened guy's buttock off it. The guy scurried away in a hurry, presumably horrified, unbeknownst to Patton. "How untrustworthy is that?" Virgil nodded. "You have a point, Pat." Which, in turn, earned a glare from Logan. "He could be less than kind," Patton continued, pausing for a while. "Or even worse, he could be very nice, and have lovely eyes... make me laugh, come out of hiding." His voice quieted down to a whisper. "What do I do with that?" Patton's eyes glimmered with a mix of hope, sadness, and an indescribable feeling. "Oh god, what if when he sees me... what if I like him and he knows it?! What if... What if he opens up a door and I can't close it? What happens then...? What if... when he holds me, my heart is set in motion... I'm scared of that... Scared of breaking open..." Patton's voice could barely be heard now. "But still I can't help from hoping to find someone... someone to talk to; Who likes the way I am." He turned back to Virgil and Logan, his voice returning back to normal. "Someone, who, when he sees me... Wants to again."

(yes i just typed out the whole song but with more descriptions dwi)

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