Chapter Two: Yummyness

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Dedicatedto: JennaDoodz

"Get. Off. ME!" I scream at Yuki, who is current sitting rather comfortably n my back.

"Will you get up, Zero's in a hissy fit coz Kaname's coming"

Why do I have to bother with this, I don't like him either
"Yuki! Get off Miyuki! You'll stop her breathing!" Headmaster panics, scooping Yuki of me.

I let out a relieved sigh and stretch, popping my back in the process
"What? I can't get changed when your watching, now shoo!" I say, shoving them both out the room

I sat on the couch hugging a pillow, the door opens and Kaname barely makes it through the door before Yuki tackles him into a hug with her thin arms.
"Hello Yuki, Zero, Miyuki"
I go to stand but headmaster pushed me back onto the couch and held me there, he didn't bother to stop Zero, because he wouldn't stop no matter what.
I huff and stay seated, despite how much I want to hide in my room, I don't fight.

"Doesn't it bother you that me and your precious Yuki have almost the same name?"

he smiled a fake smile at me
"Of course not Mia"

He ruffles my hair and I try to shake his hand off my head.
I huf again and he chuckles, starting for the kitchen with Yuki in tow.
Headmaster pulls me over enthusiastically with them too.

I squeal as Kaname lifts me over the table and pops me into my seat to his right, Yuki giggles as he does the same to her but to the left.
"I'm big now! I'm not six, I'm twelve!" I complain as headmaster serves breakfast
"I know that, here I got you both a gift" Kaname mutters, digging through his pockets.
My ears perk up, gift?
"What is it?" I ask in time with Yuki, startling Kaname
He hands us both our gifts that were wrapped up in paper

"An early birthday gift for Miyuki and something pretty for Yuki"
I munch on a roll as I tear it open, my eyes glitter at the sight before me.
There was a pack of silver lined playing cards, and a large packet of chocolate buttons.
I drag him into a hug and tear open the buttons as Yuki gracefully plays with the bunny doll she got.
I stuff my face full of food and race into my room,


"Don't worry, she's always like that, hiding in her room and stealing food"
Head master sighs

"Right? I was hoping that she'd grown out of that"

Saiena's POV

It was snowing when i walked out of Starbucks with a hot chocolate in hand, walking past people who keep on glaring at me'what have I done to them that they hate me so much?' I ask in my head. I sighed deeply when I saw a bech. Right now was 6am and I sat on the unocupied bench. I covered my brown eye with my "emo" fringe. I still had an hour untill my 'dad' comes home and abuses me. His name is Rido Kuran. I hated him with a passion. Before you ask, NO HE IS NOT MY ACCTUAL FATHER. He kidnaped me when I was 5. I'm 13 now. That many years of agony. After 15 minutes I went back 'home'. Oh suprise, suprise, I was met with a punch on my face.


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