💞 Electric Love

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As I sit in my dorm room, scribbling down the answers to my homework, I hear a knock at my door. I turn my head as I say, "Come in!" The door opens to reveal Kaminari, who isn't that big of an idiot contrary to most of the classes' belief.
"Hey L/N!" He gives a big grin and waves slightly. "What's up, Kami?" I turn in my seat to fully face him.
"We were all going to have a movie night downstairs. I wanted to know if you'd like to come?" It was a Friday and homework wasn't due until Monday. "Yeah! Sure, when is it?" I stand up from my seat with a smile. "Oh, in roughly 2 hours. See ya then, cutie," he winks and points finger guns as he walks out.
I feel my face heat up as the door shuts. I fall into my bed, rubbing my cheeks with my hands, trying to cool them down. I take a deep breath before sitting up again. I look down, realizing I never changed out of my uniform. I stand before speed walking to the closet, looking at my options.
I want to be comfortable, I grab some yoga pants and a loose fitting T-shirt I don't remember buying. It has a big lightning bolt on it, it reminds me of Kaminari. I smile as I take off my blazer and button up shirt to replace them with the shirt. As I pull up my pants, I throw my clothes in the washer, grabbing up any other clothing items that need to be washed.
I sit back down to try and finish some more homework, and time seems to speed up because before I know it, I only have 10 minutes left before the movie.
I stand up, making a mental note to finish that later, even though I have all weekend. I shuffle to my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I turn on the water, cupping some in my hands and washing my face. I grab the brush and comb through my hair to the best of my ability.
I glance at the clock, 3 minutes left. I decide to go downstairs to the common area, where they're watching to movie. I walk out my door and shut it, seeing Tsuyu walking out of her dorm as well. "Hello L/N, kero." "Hey Tsu-Chan!" I walk with her in silence. We're not close friends, but we get along.
We make it to the commons to see Sero, Ashido, and Kirishima all arguing over the movie as Kaminari tries to reason with them. Iida and Todoroki are chatting in the kitchen as Bakugo and Midoryia are fighting. More like Bakugo is trying to fight while Midoryia isn't.
I plop down on the couch while Tsuyu goes to sit with Uraraka. After a couple minutes, they finally agree on a gruesome horror flick. I don't know what it is, but apparently it's pretty scary. Kaminari sits next to me, not seeming to notice my light blush. I turn to the TV, reading the title card. If I could, it's so dark! Suddenly, the lights go out and I hear Hagurkure jump. "Sorry, ambience!" I hear Tokoyami yell from across the room. I see his final stretch of running back to the floor in front of the couch. He sits in front of Shoji and next to Jiro. I look back at the screen, nothing has happened yet.
I sigh and lean to my left, remembering that Kaminari's sitting there. Before I can sit back up, I lean on his shoulder and his arm wraps around me. My breathing hitches before calming myself. After about 20 minutes, finally someone dies. I give a light chuckle at the screams before I feel Kaminari readjust himself, pulling me into his lap.
I blush heavily, thankful Tokoyami turned off the lights. I glance up, seeing Kaminari's terrified face. I smile softly as I grab one of his hands and rub it with my thumb. He seems to calm down as he melts into the couch.
I lay my head on his chest, hearing his pounding heart. As the movie drags on, more people die and do nothing about it. I glance at my classmates; Uraraka and Midoryia are holding each other, Kirishima is holding Bakugo's hand with a sickly looking face, Tsuyu and Yaoyorozu are rubbing Jiro's back as she looks sick. The rest look either mildy disturbed or sick. I think the movies nearly over now, the final girl is running through a forest, cliche. She trips and slams her head into a rock, how'd that not kill her? I hear a soft whimper as the killer raises his weapon to kill the girl, but it's not from the movie. I look up and see Kaminari, clearly distressed. I hold his hands and squeeze them softly, leaning the back of my head into his neck.
I jump up as everyone screams in horror, nearly falling off the couch. I glance at the screen, wow that's gruesome. The lights turn back on, Mr. Aizawa by the light switch. "Movie night is over. Return to your dorms," he says in a monotone voice.
I hear groaning and complaining as I stand up and glance at Kaminari. He seems a bit uneasy, probably scared. I whisper to him, "Come to my dorm room." I walk into the hall, allowing no response. I treck up the stairs and down more halls until I find my room. I walk in and fall on the bed, tired.
I hear a soft knock after what feels like a minute, "Come in." I hear the door creak open and shut. I sit up and turn over to see Kaminari, shaking a little. "H-Hey, L/N." I sit up, concerned. "Did the movie scare you that bad?" He hesitates before nodding, "I just... I just..." I stand and hug him, running a hand through his wild hair. He lets out a shaky sigh as he leans into me, returning the hug.
"Do you know what always calms me down?" He shakes his head. "A warm shower, do you want one?" He nods, pulling back. "Ok, come on." I take him to my bathroom, turning on the hot water and such. "I'll leave you alone, I'm going to grab you some clothes from your room, is that alright?" He nods, taking off his shirt. I blush and leave, practically slamming the door.
I leave my room, speed walking down halls and up stairs until I find his room. I peer in, then open it fully. I flick on the lights and look into his closet. I grab a hopefully loose shirt and basketball shorts. I turn off the light and as I'm about to leave, Mr. Aizawa appears. "What are you doing, L/N?" "U-Uh, grabbing clothes for Kaminari. He's in my room and he need a change." He doesn't question further, thankfully.
I practically run back to my room, shutting the door behind me. Kaminari is standing in the bathroom doorway with towel around his waist. "Here ya go," he talks it with a smile. "Th-Thanks, L/N." He walks back into the restroom, while I take out my laundry and place it in the dryer. He walks back out with wet hair and holding his old clothes. "Hey, hold on." I smile softly, taking his clothes and throwing them in my dirty clothes pile. I drag him back in, plugging in my hair dryer.
"Oh no! You don't have to, L/N!" "Call me 'Y/N', Kaminari. We're good friends." He seems a bit surprised, but nods. "Then you call me 'Denki'." He smirks a little. I nod, asking him to lower his head so I can blow-dry it. I watch his wet hair flop around, slowly becoming thick and soft again. I run my fingers through, shaking it out. I turn off the dryer and hold one of his cheeks with my hand. "All done now, Denki." He raises his head and smiles. "Thanks Y/N!" I shut off the lights, unplugging the hairdryer.
We flop onto my bed, I hear his soft sigh. I chuckle, looking at him. "Wait!" I sit up as he looks at me, "That's my shirt!" "What?" "You didn't have any clean shirts once and I lent you that! You never gave it back." I laugh as he grumbles a little, "That was my favorite shirt." I smile and kiss his cheek, he freezes along with me, realizing what I did.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to, it was just spur of the mo-" he grabs my face and stares into my eyes. "Can you do that again?" His cheeks are red and mine presumably are as well. I nod softly, leaning in to kiss again. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!? YOU KNOW PDA ISN'T ALLOWED!" I whip my head around to see Iida in the doorway. Who opened it? Denki releases my face and laughs nervously, "It wasn't that, Iida! I was just..." He thinks for a moment, "Looking for something in her eye! She said she felt something in there!" He gives a nervous grin as Iida stares.
"Kaminari, I'm not that gullible. Return to your dorm at once. Boys aren't allowed in the girls dorms this late!" He stomps off, presumably to check everyone else. I sigh and look at Kaminari as he stands up. "I guess, I'll see you tomorrow?" He chuckles. "Y-Yeah, I guess." I look down and feel a smile creep across my face. Suddenly, I feel a hand grab my chin forcing my head up into a kiss. I shut my eyes and hold Kaminari's wrist with my hand, the other resting upon his left hand. He pulls back with a sly grin, standing up straight before walking out. He pauses at the door, "I love you, Y/N. Don't forget that." He shuts the door behind him. I listen to his receding footsteps before I fall back onto the bed.
"I love you too Denki-Kun."

1693 Words 8/01/2020

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