💞 Falling in Love

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Kaminari POV

As I sat in class, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Her hair and perfect body just screamed to me. I know I come off as rude and trying to get with every girl in class, but that isn't true. I just try and lift spirits in one way or another.
I've noticed that L/N always seems down or out of it. I've been playfully flirting with her for roughly a month now, and I've fallen for her in that time. Now my flirts are a bit more serious but she seems to have the same reaction; smile and blush.
"Kaminari?!" I nearly fall out of my seat in surprise, gaining some laughter from my classmates. Mr. Aizawa stares at me unamused. I sit straight, noting something nice. L/N is laughing, it's so nice. Seeing her genuinely smile and be happy. I never want her to stop.
"Care to answer the question, Kaminari? Or do you have something else on your mind?" I gulp and chuckle a bit, tearing my eyes away from her.
"Can I call a friend?" I hear stifled laughter coming from L/N's vicinity. I don't dare glance over, but I wish I could. "Please speak with me after class, don't forget this time." I hear soft chuckles from around the room as I lower my head in embarrassment, "Yessir." I try to pay attention but I can't, I need to tell her. I have a scrap sheet of paper in my pocket, large enough for a love letter.
I start scribbling my confessions on it, intending for it to be only for her eyes. Worst case scenario, she'll reject me.
I hear shuffling around me, but I assume everyone's getting ready to go.
"KAMINARI!" I shoot up, nearly dropping my pen. "WHAT EXACTLY IS SO INTERESTING THAT YOU'RE DISTRACTING THE CLASS?" I freeze, a couple people have leaned over to try and read my note. Mina quickly swipes the note, "ITS A LOVE LETTER!" I turn red and look at her, she's staring back. Her face is bright and joyful, unaware to who it's for. I feel myself trembling as Mina begins reading aloud.
"Dear beloved, I don't know how to put it into words, but I found myself in love with you recently." I feel my face get hot. "I've been flirting a lot with you, but as you know I usually do it in friendly jest! But not with you, I mean every word I say." I clench my fists. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met and whenever you smile, I feel warm and fuzzy. I love watching you laugh, I never want it to stop. You're just so happy all of the time, it takes a brave and strong person to do that, the only person I know who gets close to that is Sero, but even then he falters." I feel tears well up in my eyes. "I love your vibrant eyes, your beaming smile, and welcoming personality. I know you'll be a great hero and I want to be by your side while you do it." I feel a hand on my shoulder, Jiro's quiet whisper says "Are you ok?" "I love you L/N! Please be my girlfriend!"
I slam my fists on the table, standing up. Silence. Tears are rolling down my cheeks, falling on the desk as I stare down. "That was meant for only her to see." I take a shaky breath. "It was just for her." I grab my bag and storm out of class, much to the dismay of Aizawa. I stomp to the roof and hide behind a wall. I let my tears out, distressed. Why did Ashido read it? I didn't want anyone else to see, it was just for her. It was special. I've written love letters before, but I've never been as careful crafting it as I was with her's.


I watched as he stormed out after Mina read the letter. I feel my face get hot and my heart racing. "He really thinks that about me?" I whisper in almost a gasp. A shaky smile grows across my face, a small laugh escapes. I feel eyes staring at me as I begin trembling. "L/N! Are you ok?" Iida shouts. I nod, my smile growing wider. I pull a small note out of my pocket, grasping it in its golden form. I know what I need to do.
Mina sets the love letter on my desk as she slumps back into her seat. Aizawa seems annoyed and grumbles before looking at me. My face is still burning red and while the trembling has calmed, it's still present.

As class wraps up, everyone is silent with a solemn expression. No one's seen Kaminari-Kun that mad before. I stand with my bag and note in tow as I place his love letter into my pocket. I get out of class first, pulling out my phone and texting him.

'Where are you?'

No response. I sigh and begin to walk downstairs to the first floor. I begin sweeping through each hall, glancing in rooms and knocking on the restroom doors. I finally get to the roof after half an hour. Everyone has already left for the dorms. I push open the door, walking out completely. I look behind a wall and see him. His sleeves are tearstained, his hairs a mess, and his cheeks are red. His phone is open to the texting app, my message is displayed along with previous messages.
I sit next to him, he looks at me and widens his eyes. He looks down, attempting to hide his face from me. I smile softly, grabbing his hand and opening it delicately. He glances up, curious. I take my note and place it in his palm, closing his fingers around it. I sit straight, blushing with a smile smile.

Kaminari POV

I open my hand to a folded note with "Y/N L/N" written on it. I carefully unfold it, seeing in big writing,


I blush and smile wide, I turn to her as she grabs my cheeks and kisses me. Her hands are so soft and gentle. I grab her wrists and hold her hands on my face. When we stop, I let put a shaky chuckle accompanied with tears in my eyes. "I've loved you for so long Kami... I just didn't know when to tell you," she whispers in her soft voice.
I wrap my arms around her as her arms rest over my shoulders. "Call me 'Denki', please." I hear her giggle as she clings to me tighter.

Then call me 'Y/N', Denki." I stand up, holding her to my body. She lets out a surprised gasp before I kiss her again. "I'll never let you go, N/N." I stare into her eyes as she places a hand on my shoulder, the other on my cheek. "I'll never leave," she kisses my nose before placing her head against mine with a content sigh.

1186 Words      8/01/2020

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