💔No Chance

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"Kaminari!" I scream, jumping between him and the villain. Their claws pierce my skin, cutting my open. I let out a shrill scream in pain, activating my quirk; Melt. I clench their arms, melting them away as we speak. There are no heros, just us and this villain. They were out for blood, wanting an easy kill. Middle schoolers would be easy, little did they suspect our determination. Alas, they did injure me. It is severe, it could kill me. Through my stomach and intestines. I can see them. I focus on melting their arms, it's slow but painful. Kaminari tries pulling me away, wrapping his arms around my legs. I release the villain who is screaming in agony, "Don't worry, it'll grow back. Unlike what you did," I hiss, the pain setting in. I feel dizzy and cold, the urge to shut my eyes growing stronger. "N-No! We were s-supposed to go to UA together! R-Right?" Kaminari holds me, his tears hitting my neck. I stay silent, my energy diminishing. The villain sits across from us, watching silently. I stare them in the eyes, their gaze cold and analyzing. "Kaminari, call the police," I mumbles, my arms limp and numb. My shirt and skirt are soaked in blood, my guts spooling out. This is it, it's over before it begins. Kaminari, in a panic, calls for the cops then an ambulance. It's not like that's needed though, I have no chance of survival. Kaminari sobs, waiting for help. "Don't cry over me, Sparky," I force my hand to hold his cheek. He sniffs, looking into my eyes. My view is hazy, but I can see his terrified expression. "You'll find someone else to be a hero with, someone better," I smile weakly, drool and blood seeping down the side of my mouth. "B-But you promised! You promised!" I drop my smile, knowing how much this means to him. His desperation filling the air, sirens coming into range. Help is here. I kiss my fingers, placing them on his lips, mouthing 'I love you'. His eyes widen before my eyes shut, his pleads and wails slowly muffle into nothing as I am killed into eternal rest.

375 words 11/22/2020

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