💞 Same Ideals

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Kaminari POV

There I was, hidden among the endless piles of rubble filling up the landscape. My arm and chest had been badly beaten and bruised, along with bullet wound in my chest. I'd have thought I'd be dead in the situation.

But I'm not.

A hero is helping me. She's kneeled next to me, quietly bandaging my arm. I watch her carefully, her quirk is dangerous. It can be used to kill as easily as mine can. Her hair drapes over her face as she focuses on tying up the bandages.
"You realize I could kill you right now?" She looks up at me with slight surprise. "I'm in an ideal situation. You're isolated, I'm presenting myself as injured when I could be lying, and my quirk can kill someone in a second." She stares at me with an emotionless face before speaking up, "I know." She gestures to my jacket and shirt, probably wanting me to take them off. I pull them off as she continues, "I'm still going to help you." "But why?" I look at her as she begins cleaning the bullet wound. She actovates her quirk on her fingers, creating thin spears in place of her fingers. She reaches down the hole and grasps the bullet, scraping my muscles. I wince and clench my fists, "I'm sorry, it'll be over in a moment." She pulled out the bullet and quickly covered the hole with a chunk of her suit. She began wrapping bandages around my chest as she dropped the piece of clothing.
"I'm helping you because I've heard your opinions and ideas," she begins to help me stand, "You want to stop the false heros and help people with quirks that don't fit the heroic ideals." I nod as she holds my bandaged arm. "I don't think it's fair when someone with a perfectly good quirk is rejected simply because it doesn't pass an exam or is seen as villainous. It's even worse with quirkless people, did you see that story a few years back? About the kid who killed himself and blamed that UA student for it?" She nodded, "Izuku Midoryia, he was bullied by Katsuki Bakugo for being quirkless. When he killed himself, he admitted that Bakugo was his reason for doing it. UA still allowed him to graduate and become a hero since his quirk was just that good."
Her hands clench my arm, "I've worked with him. He's so insufferable and rude. It's so hard to not ignore that he made his 'friend' kill himself." I observe her face, it's so intense. She's passionate and determined, she wants to help people. "I became a hero for two things, to help people and to fox the system. I want to become Number 1 so people will listen to my words and consider that society is corrupt."

I hug her with a tired grin, feeling laughter seep through my lips. "Finally, someone gets it!" I hold her shoulders as I look into her eyes. "No hero has understood it before!" She gives a slight smile. I give a big laugh before groaning and keeling over, gripping my chest. "Careful!" She holds me up, slowly setting me against the rubble. "You ok?" I nod and look at her, I smile. She's so concerned over a villain, it's humorous in a way.
"H/N! ARE OUT OUT HERE?" She looks concerned and conflicted, looking between me and the direction of the yelling. I stand and wince, "Go, we can talk later." She stands, her eyes begging me to stay while her body moves away. I grab her arms and give a swift kiss, shocking her lightly. She gasps before I run, vaulting over the rubble and into the horizon.

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