Part 8 -- Thorns

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As Ali sat down at the table picking up the notebook and mumbling to herself.  Dawson walked over and placed a plate with pancakes and blackberries in front of her "Figured anything out yet?" he asked curiously. "No, not yet but here's hoping." she replied back with a grin on her face. 


Afternoon came and Dawson decided to head to the library, as he was leaving he yelled "I'm going to the library to see if they have any books on this. Mayas parents are coming around tonight for dinner could you make the dinner please? Thanks!". As he shut the door behind him he could hear Ali say "Of course.". 

At around about 4pm she put the oven on and prepared dinner. She put on chicken, potatoes, carrots and made gravy. She was startled with the doorbell as it ricocheted through the now silent house. She opened the door and was suddenly bombarded with hugs and a bottle of wine. "Hi please, come in." Ali said as she welcomed Mayas parents. 

Two hours later they were all sitting around the table enjoying dinner and wine whilst talking about how their lives had been without Maya. The room fell quiet as Mayas mum broke down as she told everyone about the pain she felt that her only daughter had been taken away from both her and her husband and that she wished she was still here. 

Without thinking Dawson shouted "She is." Ali turned and looked at him in disbelief and Mayas parents were shocked "Wh-w- what do you mean, she is?" Mayas father asked Dawson. Ali shook her head, Dawson saw the shake and replied "Oh I meant, of course she is still her, she is watching over us.". Mayas parents just nodded as a reply. 

The rest of the evening was lovely and full or warmth as they chatted about random yet funny things, memories and jokes. Until Mayas parents got up and told Ali and Dawson they needed to go. When they left both Ali and Dawson noticed a cold chill in the air and it remained for the rest of the night. They put on a couple of movies and as it neared 2am they both walked through to the kitchen and as Dawson pointed to the notepad he said " You write this time." Ali nodded, she picked up the pen and began writing. Hi Maya, we love you so much and whatever you need us to do, we will do it. Love, A+D. 

Both Ali and Dawson went their separate ways once again into their own rooms. But something was different, the cold chill was still there and they both heard Maya subtly say "I love you too." As they both lay down to sleep something was about to happen that would change all of their lives.


Maya was entering the palace garden as she spotted Hannah. "Hey Hannah, what's up?" she yelled to Hannah (her roommate) as she ran up to her. "Have you heard the news?" she asked Maya. "No?"Maya responded. "There is only 199 people here, someone else is coming. No one knows who it is and there isn't a ceremony or anything, someone will just randomly appear." Hannah replied. Maya looked at her confused as she asked " How will you know who the new person is?". "Someone will just see someone new that they haven't seen before." Hannah replied. "Okay" Maya said to her as they both entered the palace again.

As Maya was sitting at the bench she heard her name. She turned around and a loud gasp escaped her. "Ali?". 

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