Part 11 --

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The next Monday came extremely quick. David was still staying on Dawson's couch as he didn't feel ready to go back to his own house alone,  as before Mayas passing Ali had been staying with him, and that they were thinking about moving in together. Dawson had invited him to stay with him until he felt ready to go home. 

On Monday Dawson and David were going back to university. So on the Sunday night they watched Football again and decided to have a Chinese and a couple of beers to celebrate what the next day held in store for them. They decided to have an early night, which in reality turned into them heading to bed at around about 2am. Dawson left David on the sofa to sleep and even though he had tried his hardest to get David to sleep in his bed (clean sheets and all) and he would sleep on the sofa, David had insisted he loved sleeping on the sofa and that it was surprisingly comfy . Which both of them knew wasn't true. 

Neither of them could sleep, they were filled with both nerves and excitement. After an hour of tossing and turning Dawson decided to get up and make himself a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top. On his way to the kitchen he noticed David was still up, but on his phone. He turned around as he heard Dawson walk up to the doorway. "Can't sleep?" David asked him quietly. "Nope." he replied, Dawson held up his phone and smiled a little, "Same." he said as he got up to join Dawson. 

They both made hot chocolate and stayed up for a while talking about the football game that was going to be happening the next night because they knew the couldn't get to sleep even if they were in bed. At half four they decided to give sleep one last try and said goodnight for the second time that night, they headed back to bed. They dozed off after a couple of minutes of lying in the peaceful silence as they were just too tired. It felt like only minutes since Dawson had fell asleep when he woke up to his alarm going off. He jumped out of bed startled and switched off the snooze that he had just set. 

As he walked to the kitchen he heard Davids alarm go off but he carried on and into the kitchen to make them both something to eat before going to university. As they walked to class together they stopped at a coffee machine and a couple of their classmates came up to them and gave their condolences for both Maya and Alis passing. The condolences and apologies carried on for the rest of day and came from people they didn't know or sometimes never seen before, they both thanked them all but inside they wished that no one had said anything because it hurt, it hurt that they were gone. In class the lecturer told the class that the next day their was going to be a memorial for Ali and Maya.   

On the way home they got another coffee and stopped at a shop to get snacks to keep their hunger fed while they were catching up on the essays and work that they had missed. They arrived home around about 5pm and started the mountain of work that was sitting in front of them. They watched football and Dawson headed to bed and left David on the sofa once again.

That night  Maya wrote We are having fun up here in Nova, we need to come up with something that will prove we are

And Ali wrote We will be okay, we need to prove we are soulmates, which means we need to come up with something.


The next day Dawson woke up again to his alarm going off. He woke David up as he had forgot to set his alarm. They both entered the kitchen and saw the words the girls had left on their own pages. They went to university and even more people came up and gave their apologies. That afternoon they went down to the cafeteria to join the memorial. They were greeted with around about 30 people some Maya and Ali had never spoken to, each person had flowers and a handwritten note saying either I miss you or Gone but not forgotten. They all placed the flowers and notes on and around a table that was placed at the front on the room. 

On the table was a framed photograph of Maya and Ali together their smiles as wide as the sun and their eyes as bright as the nearest ocean, a photo clearly from Facebook. Candles and a string of lights the shapes of hearts with a light pink colour radiating off of them decorated the table. After a couple of minutes Dawson and David were left standing at the table, alone and still processing what had just happened. Some lecturers came walked over to them and started apologising for their loss and telling them how much the girls meant to them and how missed they are. They all returned to class tears threatening to appear.

Dawson and David went back to Dawson's house and for the rest of the night they watched movies and the Football and caught up on more essays and units they had missed on their time off. By the time it was nearly midnight they had caught up on nearly all of the units they had missed although they still had two essays each still to do. They decided to head off to bed as they were exhausted after the day they had just had. They decided that they would only say hi to Maya and Ali that night as in reality they were too tired to write anything else. After they wrote on their own papers they headed to bed and as soon as their heads hit their pillows they fell into a deep sleep. 

That night Maya wrote soulmates. I know that we are but they don't. We need to be together again. I miss you. Only one 

And Ali wrote Something that represents our love. I miss you and we will be together again one day hopefully soon. Don't worry 


The next morning Dawson woke up with the birds chirping outside his window and when he rolled over he noticed that it was 6am. He grunted as he turned back around to fall back asleep. He tossed and turned for a while before deciding to just get up. He went through to the kitchen still in his pj's and got some toast. He jumped as heard the kitchen door open. "You up already?." he heard David chuckle. Dawson nodded as he pulled out the chair next to him at the table and placed two slices of toast on the plate. David sat down and began to eat. They began to talk about the day ahead at uni and what they still had to do to catch up. 

They arrived at university a couple of minutes late despite being up an hour early. The day went fast and good and they both arrived home around about 6. They caught up on even more work whilst watching Football and then a movie. When the end credits of the movie came on the screen David checked his phone to see that it was nearly one in the morning. They decided to go to bed as they were exhausted once again and needed a good rest. Dawson headed through to his bedroom and left David on the couch once again. 

That night Maya wrote  of us can come home between me and Ali. The night before the announcement we can take 2 things back.

And Ali wrote about me I am okay, Never forget that I love you more than anything and with all that i am.


Within a week both couples had came up with plans to prove they were soulmates. 

Maya and Dawson had planned to make a photo album of all of their most important memories, such as the first picture they ever took together, their first date, them at their house-warming party, them at their engagement and more. Each page was tinted cream with lines next to the picture telling everyone what the picture was about.  The borders of the pages were decorated in silver metallic hearts. They also decided to make a playlist of all of the songs that was going to be played at their wedding along with songs that went along with the photo album, the songs that were playing in the background when all of the events happened. 

Ali and David had planned to make a book filled with memorabilia of all of the dates they went on. It was filled with movie and concert tickets, receipts of some of the dinner dates they had been to. Each page was a tint of light blue. The border of each page decorated with hand-drawn flowers. They also had a notebook with all of the letters they both sent to each other. All stuck in a timeline from oldest to the most recent.   

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