Part 18

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As Maya walked through her front door, David and Dawson stood up and ran down the corridor. They gasped as they saw Maya standing there and as one they all broke down for the same reasons. They were happy Maya was back but they were devastated that Ali couldn't come back. As they all went through to the living room, Maya told them everything. How Ali was the new goddess, that she was pregnant with David's baby, and how neither of them knew about the baby before today. An hour later they were all sitting on the sofa still in shock and processing what had happened and all the information Maya had shared with them. 


In Nova Ali and the God of Nova were still standing and Ali whispered "I am going to take him with me."  With that she disappeared and ended up standing before Maya, Dawson and David. "Ali?." David said. "How, why are you here?" Maya asked. Ali replied "I have been given a choice, I can leave David here or take him back to Nova with me forever." "What one did you pick?" David asked her worryingly. "Well I'm here, aren't I?" she replied as a massive smile grew on her face. David wrapped his arms around her and then kneeled. David pulled out a beautiful gold ring with a massive diamond and said. "Ali, I was going to do this before you passed away. But I never got the chance. Will you marry me?".  Ali began to cry, Maya and Dawson couldn't contain themselves and began crying. "Yes." she said. They all hugged and sat down. "Can I still speak to you when you go back to Nova?" Maya asked.  Ali shook her head "Sorry, I will always be watching you but we can never talk again"  this was too much for all of them, they began to cry even more, this time with extreme sadness. 

They all jumped as they heard a man's voice. "Ali, it is time now". "I need to go back. We need to go" Ali said. They had minutes of hugs, but none of them said goodbye. None of them wanted it to be goodbye. "We will watch you and your family grow and thrive." Ali told Maya. Maya nodded and smiled through her tears. Ali and David gave Maya and Dawson one last hug and with an ocean of tears and heavy hearts filled with sadness and sorrow Ali and David gave one last smile and disappeared into the light. 

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