Part 15

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Dawson and David were sitting at the kitchen table talking about that night, and how they probably wouldn't be able to get any sleep. They finished sorting their projects while listening to the news. Once they had finished going through everything they went their separate ways once more to bed. They both lay on their beds and hoped sleep would come to them soon.


Meanwhile Maya and Ali were sitting in the castle garden, speaking about the following day. "I can't believe it is tomorrow. Everything we know and love will change.". Maya held Alis hand and wiped a tear from her eye. "I just don't want to lose you" Ali told Maya as she placed her head on Mayas shoulder. A couple of minutes later they heard the great clock chime 9 times. "Movie?" Ali asked as she lifted her head off of Mayas shoulder and stood up. Maya nodded as they started to walk to Mayas room. 

In Maya's room they put on a movie and made hot chocolate. They had gone through 9 cups of hot chocolate each and 2 movies when they heard their names being called. They looked at the clock and saw that it was only midnight. They walked to the window and saw that Dawson and David were sleeping. They walked  through the door and into Mayas kitchen and over to the projects and found the notepad and a pen next to them. 

Maya wrote on the pad first... Hey, I have got the album and the playlist. I hope I get picked. I love you so much Dawson. 

She then passed the pen onto Ali and she wrote  ... Hey, I picked up the memorabilia and the letters. If I don't come back, know I love you so much.

They arrived back in Nova and put their projects in Maya's room on top of her desk. Then made their way to the great hall to join the ball that was going on. When they got there they noticed that only 20 people were standing there. The many voices of people commenting that 20 more people had been eliminated from the competition. They began to focus on the ball instead of what the next day held in store for them. 

Heading over to the great gold table that was sitting at the top of the hall with rumbling stomachs, it held nearly every type of food you could imagine. There was a book opened on the table, which held some magic. If you wrote any food in it, that food would appear on the table. In a couple of minutes they both had plates piled high with food and a cup of hot chocolate each.

Maya and Ali danced and spoke to the others until the early morning. They then decided to go up to Maya's room and watch a movie and try to get some sleep. But they couldn't as they were too nervous about the next day. Finally they managed to sleep, but only for a short time as very soon they were awakened by Daes voice on the speaker. 

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