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After they put home from the store. Tre goes up stairs after help bring all the groceries in the house. Tre gets a call from somebody who just picks the perfect time to call. His mama.


I was in my room up stairs listen to mama by August Alsina. Destiny got my hooked on his music cause she always somewhere singing it. She walks in." Looks who's listened to August."She vents." Hey I was fucking with his mixtapes like product one and two. You just stick to the albums."She laughs then tells me to shut up. "You hungry? Foods almost done."She suggest. Right as I was about to answer she calls. My mama.

"Hey boy. How you been? You too grown to check on your mama huh?" Destiny steps out. I mouth out i'll be down in a second. " No ma'am just alot of stuff been happing lately."She pauses. I can tell she starts to sit up in her bed."Well ma, this all started two days ago when me and my friend went to a corner store, It got robbed. Then after somebody does a drive by on my block. Then the girl I was seeing got pregnant..."She turns up and goes off."Mama she not pregnant. It was fake. She was fake." She calms down how you know. She came to the hospital and told me it was a lie."She ask,"So why she do it?" I tell her about Carter.And how he shot me.

She's silent, but I hear sniffs. She's crying."Mama , im okay. See im talking to you on the phone in my house im ok."Then she replies."Im not crying cause you got shot im crying cause I know your temper. You gone try to get him back worse than he got you. Lawd please dont let my son die the way his father did please!"She hit the nail dead on the coffin. I tell you a mothers instinct one of the strongest forces known to man kind. "Tre please for me. Dont be out there in them streets trying get revenge. That's not the right way son." I hate to hear my mama beg like this."Im sorry momma."she pauses and says." Dont tell me sorry, tell God sorry. He gives you grace and mercy by letting you live, and you pay him back by going down a path to take another mans life. Im done."

"Mom..." I try to get her attention. " Goodnight son."She hangs up. "Momma." I do something I aint did since I was six. I go to the side of my bed. Get on my kness, and pray."Lord.... Forgive me for my sins past, and forgive me for what im about to do."I get up knowing I wasnt right for that. But nobody tries to take my life without the same happening to them.

Power of Life And Death Lies In The Tongue : book 1Where stories live. Discover now