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I woke up at 5 am everyone was asleep I took a quick shower and wear my blue jeans a leather jacket and converse I met up with the principal and Mrs Faith on the entry and drove to where the students will be going after checking the renovation and it's all okay hour later we drove back to the camp site and it was 7am I took my walkie talkie

"Everyone walk up!!!!!! Alll off you get your butt off shower and meet at the hall for breakfast come on now up up!" I talked it connected to all the talkys in the tents minutes later I repeat "come on now we need to go by 10 wake up or you stay behind" I said campers start showering and stuffs I walked to the kitchen checking and the food is all ready

By 9 everyone was ready and I'm proud how fast they were so quick everyone was already gathered in the hall sitting on the tables the maids running around giving food I sudden feel hyper I guess this energy drink worked I see the lads and bounced and sat with them quickly the made place my plate two sausages eggs tomatoes and toast

"Heii guys" I grin at everyone they just mumbled food in there mouth I chuckle and start eating

"So where we going?" Natalie asked

"It's a surprise and just take this as you'll first date" I grin at them

"Well that sounds fun" Elenour smiled at Louis they locked gazes for longer then usually till I cleared my throat Lou shook his head and looked at his food while Elenour blush making me laugh and shook my head

My eyes met Harry's I smirk and looked at my food then someone puts his hand on my shoulder "hey babe" he whispers

"Hey Henry"I rolled my eyes

"I missed you haven't seen you all day" he whispers

"Sure" I sigh he kisses my cheek making me freeze

"Just know my dick is twice as big as that sausage" he whispers and walked away leaving me shocked Perrie snort

"Ew" i mumbled Liam started laughing with Perrie I guess they heard

"He did not just say that"Liam laughed I chuckle shaking my head we continue talking and laughing "everyone please grab your wallets and go get in the bus you will need some money so get up fuck off" I shoo everyone

Everyone got in the bus and we start driving away I was the last one to get in

"Where we going?" Cheyenne shouts

"It's a surprise so shut up" I joked and sat on my sit between Lou and Harry

"No I can't do this anymore" Lou said standing up pulling Elenour and kissing her Liam did the same to Dani then Zayn and Perrie then Natalie and Niall Harry stands up and helps me up before kissing me the bus screams and cheered everyone pulled away but I couldn't seconds later I did and locked gaze with him the bus came to a stop making me break the gaze he intertwined our hands looking at him before walking next to the driver to see we've arrived

"Okay motherfuckers we've arrived so come on!" I said everyone stands up everyone gasp and scream when they see where we at the lads and I were the last to go out

"WOW!!! The carnival" they said unison making me laugh

"Yep c'mon let's go have some fun" I said we cheered Harry intertwined our hands and running To the rides hours of fun in the rides

Zayn cleared his throat "can we uh spread up with you girls?"

"Okay?" I said suddenly Harry pulls me away from them and the others were pulled away in different directions

"How about you go win me a teddy bear" I point at stand he nods and walked there

"How about if I win I will give you your teddy and you be my girlfriend" he grins my heart bumps harder and faster is he really asking me to be his girlfriend

"O-okay deal" I giggled he throws the ball it knocks out the first cans The second then the third then the forth "okay last one" I said he throws and knock them I cheered I picked the big stuff animal...

"Congratulations" the man said handing me the teddy bear

"Not only did I win the teddy I also won a girl friend" he sang I giggled "come here" he pulls me to him and kissed me "I'm so happy to have you as my girl friend" he whispers

"Me too" I giggled kissing him "let's go to the photo booth" I should he nods grinning

After taking tons of pictures we met with the lads where we separated "so how it go??" Lou grins looking at Harry

"They said yes!!!" They said unison I punch Harry's arm

"You'll planned this" I said squeezing my bear

"Yeah you bastard" Natalie laughed slapping Niall's arm

"Yes and it's worked at least we all have girlfriends" Lou smirk holding Elenours waist I Peck Harry's lips

"Let's go find some where to sit" El said we nod and start going

"How did he asked you?" I whisper to El

"We went on a roller coaster and when we reached the above he asked me" she whispered snorting making me laugh

"At least it's romantic" i said she slaps my arm "ow" I squeak El and I didn't realize they stopped till we bumped into they backs then laughed

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