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I have no choice but to go to school today even though my Flu has gotten worse than before and these days is where we get our results back but I wouldn't but I promise the principal. I hate the flu I haven't eaten anything since that pizza and everything I eat comes back up and my noise is worse so that why I just put on my sickness sweatpants a top and morning shoes then drive to school and walked to the principal office where we will write the exam to see Tay already there I sit across her

"Before you start please go hand in this to the teacher in your class so show you'll both here" he said giving me a slip

"Oh and please take my bag for me it's on my sit" Tay said I nod and walked out

I walked in sneeze the class some gasp I feel so weak as I give the teacher the slip not saying anything

"Shelby why you in school?" El ask I cleared my throat finding my voice

"Exam" i said but it came as a squeak I whisper on Wilson "please tell her I came to write yesterday's paper" he nods I walked to Tays place

"She said she came to write yesterday's paper" Wilson said she nods as I take Tay's bag and fuck it's too heavy I struggle to pick it up I groan

"Need help with that?" Wilson ask I nod "Jordan" he said Jordan stands up and picks up the bag lightly

"This is so light" Jordan asks I point at El

"She hasn't eaten since yesterday everything she eats she's vomits if so she's weak" she explained "real weak" she sigh say I frown

I turned around and Jordan puts the bag on my shoulder I then collapse with it on the floor making the class laugh

"I think I will go with her" Jordan said helping me up and taking the bag and we walked out I cleared my throat

"I-im sorry I couldn't make it yesterday it's the flu" I squick he chuckled

"No no it's ok I saw you weren't feeling well at practice yesterday so I told Rose" he said I nod as he wraps arm around my shoulder "how about you text me your address and I'll come see you after school" I nod and we stand in front of the office He gently hands me the bag

"Thanks" I whisper he hugs me and pull back I don't know what came into me but I found my self pecking his lips "bye" and walked in

Harry's POV

It's was lunch so we thought maybe we should go check on Shelby

"Mom's here? Weird" Perrie said and we all walked in right when Emma walks down stairs

"Hey kids? Ain't you supposed to be in school?" She asked..

"It's lunch we came to check on Shelby" Liam said

"And ain't you supposed to be at work?" Danielle asks

"I can't work knowing one of daughter is sick I bought her some medicine oh and if she works up there's food in the microwave" she said kissing the girls cheek "my lunch ended 20 minutes ago your sister is such a heavy sleeper!!" She groans and walks to the door "bye" she closes it and we walked to her room

She was sleeping peacefully under the cover dark circles around her eyes a puffy nose

"I just hope she will be alright by Thursday at least we need her" El whispered

"Yep on Friday without her there's no performance without performance there's no CheerDay " Natalie said Brushing her hair

"It's so not usually seeing her like this she usually tease us make us laugh smile get angry but seeing her sick the worst" Lou said I nod I kiss her cheek

"My queen" I whisper holding her hand

"I don't think I'm going back to school" Perrir shook her head "she looks worse then this morning"

"Let's just stay here and help her heal quickly" Niall said we nod El puts her hand on Shelly's forehead

"Holy shit mother of Christ she's burning fucking hot"She winces

"Let's leave her to rest" I whisper they nod

We sat and watched some movies and stuffs I think it's been like three hours till we heard a bed room door open and Shelby walks out looking better

"Hey! How are you feeling?" I asked she half Smile

"Better thanks to mom's thousands medicines" she groans we laughed our Shelby is back baby "hey my voice is back" she smiles

"Well how did you sleep?" Perrie ask

She shrug "I don't know as you said I was sleeping" I sigh and walked to the kitchen we laughed

"Mom said she bought you some food it's in the microwave" Natalie said

"Good because I'm starving" she said "oh hey boys didn't see yah there" she waves then sneeze

Shelby's POV

I ate my Buffalo wings when the door bell rings Danielle stands up and walked to the door

"Heyyyyy Jordan" she said I immediately choke on my wings and stand up he hands me a bouquet of flowers

"This is for you my lady" he smiles he looks Inside and sees Harry than whimper I chuckled at his reaction

"Thanks" I smile

"I can see you getting better" he said I nod "well I will get going then it was nice seeing you and your sister's and...others" like that he walks away I look at the lads and laughed

"How does he knows where live?' Harry asked I cleared my throat

"He asked me to send it so he can come see me" I said

"He has your number?" He raised his eyebrows

"Harry he's just a friend jeez" I rolled my eyes and walked back to my eyes and walked back to my Buffalo wings

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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