Chapter 3: Nova Australis

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For those who don't know, Nova Australis is a place on a Netflix original called, "Kulipari." I'll be sure to share the backstory in this chapter, but for now enjoy.

1 Year Later

It has almost been a year since Timothy left Chima to find out who he is and where he belongs. Timothy was in a place known as, "Nova Australis" where he spent an entire year in! It's kind of hard to explain, but let me try.


It has been a day since Timothy left Chima and now, he's walking in a desert with the scorching sun beaming down on his head. Until, he walked through a strange barrier. It was strange because outside the barrier looked like there was more desert, but inside the barrier looked like there was a lot of vegetation, like trees, grass, plants, water, and mountains. Timothy wondered why all of this was covered with a barrier? So he decided to look around to find some answers. That's when he came across a village of, what looked like Frogs. Timothy asked around and he learned a lot about where he was and why there was a barrier. It turned out he was in a place known as, "the Amphibilands" and it was covered with a barrier, which they call, "the Veil," because it protects them from danger from outside the Amphibilands. Timothy also learned about the, "Turtle King," that created the Veil, and how he trained a bunch of frogs known as, "Kulipari!" Timothy learned who the Kulipari were and what they did, and he even became friends with a frog, who was about his age, that was a son of a Kulipari. The Frog's name is, "Darel" and, like his father, he was training in the Kulipari way, even though he was not a Kulipari. Timothy helped Darel in a lot of adventures like, protecting a special tree from scorpions, saving Darel's friend from a scorpion camp, finding the Turtle King and recruiting some Kulipari to protect the Amphibilands, stopping a Spider Queen, and finding a new home called, "Nova Australis."

End of Backstory

After dealing with a Kulipari eater named, "Darkan," destroying his city, "Cardigal," and returning a Kulipari named, "Koa" to his family, Darel, Timothy, and the rest of their friends returned to Nova Australis, along with prisoners of the dreaded city. They returned, only to hear that one of their best fighters, who was a young scorpion named "Stinger," became the new scorpion lord of the scorpion army. Darel didn't worry, since he and Stinger were good friends and maybe they will meet again someday.

Night time came and Darel and Timothy laid down on the gress, looking up at the night sky. "Hey, Tim?" Darel called, "Do you ever wonder what those sparkling, white dots are up there?" Darel asked Timothy, who was laying down next to him. "Yeah. Do you?" Timothy answered and asked his Frog friend. "Yeah. They're fireflies, stuck up there and trying to get themselves unstuck." Darel said on what he thought, "Ooo! One got unstuck!" Darel said as he showed Timothy a shooting star. "What do you think they are up there?" Darel asked Timothy waiting for an answer. "Oh, I don't know." Timothy answered unsurely. "Oh C'mon, I told you what I thought." Darel said trying to get Timothy to spill the beans. Timothy let out a sigh and he finally broke, "Well, a wise. old king said to me, 'The great kings of the past live up there, watching down over you. If you ever fell alone, you'll know that they're up there watching over you.'" Timothy said as he thought and remembering Lagravis saying that to him and Laval. Darel's eyes watered, hearing what Timothy thought, "That was beautiful Timothy." Darel said rubbing his watered eyes. "Thanks Darel." Timothy said to Darel. "Whoever the wise, old king was, must've been so wise." Darel said to Timothy. "Yeah, he was." Timothy said with a sad look, missing Lagravis, Laval, and his friends on Chima. "I mean, if I was that wise, I would definitely say what he would say about those white dots up there." Darel said, as he kept on talking, "Am I right?" Darel asked Timothy, but saw that he was gone, "Timothy?" Darel called out, but their was no response. So Darel decided to just call it a night and go to sleep. 

Timothy, on the other hand, walked a few steps away from Nova Australis and sat on a huge boulder, looking at the night sky.

(Reprise of the last song)

Timothy: Have I found my way? Have I gone the distance? Have I faced the odds fearless proud and strong? I've found every mile, was it worth my while? Have I gone the distance? Did I find where I belong?

Timothy sang as he looked in the distance, hoping Chima was alright without him. Then he walked back to the village and into his hut to sleep. As he was getting ready to sleep, the Energy Sword started glowing and it was whispering to Timothy again. "Danger is coming, prepare for the unexpected." the whisper said to Timothy. Timothy was confused on what the whisper meant, so he brushed it off and went to sleep.

Morning came and Timothy was already up and sitting in a tree, thinking on what he should do next. The answer came quickly when a guard started shouting. "Intruder alert, intruder alert!" the guard shouted. Timothy went to his hut and grabbed his sword and rushed towards the intruder. Darel, who was already near the intruder, started attacking it, but the intruder was very skilled that it knocked Darel to the ground. The intruder pulled out his weapon, about to take down Darel, but before he could lay a hit on the Frog, Timothy pounced on the intruder and they stood face to face. Timothy had a feeling in his gut, like he knows the intruder, but the intruder's face was covered with a hood, and he charged at Timothy. Timothy dodged out of the way quickly and the battle between the two was on.

They charged at each other, until their swords clashed. They kept trying to lay hits on each other, but they were both very skilled that they couldn't touch each other. "Who are you? and what do you want?" Timothy asked the intruder, but the intruder kept on fighting Timothy. "None of your business." the intruder said trying to over power Timothy. When Timothy heard his voice, it sounded familiar to him, and Timothy was left off guard. The intruder noticed, and clashed his sword with Timothy's until the intruder could knock the sword out of Tim's hands, at the same time, Timothy pulled the cloak off the intruder. Timothy tried to reach for his sword, but the intruder placed is sword blade down next to his arm. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." the intruder said, "Give up?" the intruder asked. Timothy instantly recognized the voice and turned to look up to see a very familiar face. "LAVAL!" Timothy said with a gasp of disbelief.  

Next time on the Golden Guardian: Timothy has found a new place, but did not find who he is or where he belonged, yet. He is still hearing whispers from the sword, but doesn't know what they mean. Timothy meets an old friend that he has not seen in a long time. Why is Laval in Nova Australis? Will Timothy understand the voices from his sword? Will they meet a new foe, or an old foe? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian.

I want to thank all of you for reading this story, it means a lot to me. Tell me what you think of this and if your enjoy reading it, because I enjoy writing this. See you next time.

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