Chapter 7: Spiders, Scorpions and now Snakes

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This chapter contains a song from another movie, that's pretty much all to report. Any who, enjoy the chapter.

Queen Fahlga watched Timothy, Laval, and Lucy walking towards the desert from her balcony. A spider guard walked up to her, "My Queen, the spider army is assembled." The spider guard told the Spider Queen. "Good. Now, get ready to move out, towards Marmoo's camp." Queen Fahlga said while still looking out into the desert. "Yes my Queen." The spider guard said as he turned around and left the Queen. As for Queen Fahlga, she decided to practice her night-casting to be ready to fight a scorpion army.

Back at Nova Australis, Darel and the warriors of Chima were training to fight a scorpion army as well. Gee, one of Darel's friends, came running up to him, "Darel, the message to Stinger's camp has been reached, but I don't see him, or his army." Gee said in a panicky tone. "Okay, he'll be here, once he knows Marmmo is alive, he'll be looking for a fight." Darel said to his friend. Just then, a rumbling started and everyone was panicking. Darel looked and saw an army of Scorpions. "Is it Scorpions?" One of the Frogs asked. "Yes, but not Marmoo's, it's Stinger's!" Darel said in a surprised tone.

Meanwhile in the desert, Timothy, Laval, and Lucy were still walking in the heat, looking for the Cabin. Laval looked at the ground for a moment, but realized that the ground was in a weird pattern, "Uh, guys. Does the ground look funny, or is it just me?" Laval asked, thinking he might be seeing things. "It's not just you Laval, and it looks more then funny, the ground is in a slithering pattern." Timothy said as he examined the ground. Lucy, on the other hand, was shocked after what she heard, "Oh No! We're in Snake territory!" Lucy said as the ground started to shake. Popping out of the ground was a giant, black scaled snake with a white under-belly and fiery red eyes. Timothy, Laval, and Lucy stood in defensive positions, holding out their weapons, "Okay, so what do we do?" Laval asked looking at Timothy and Lucy. "I have an idea." Timothy said as he was about to run up to the snake and attack it. Lucy stopped him just in time to tell him and Laval something, "Wait, the first thing we need to do is to not look into it's eyes." Lucy said trying to stay calm. "Why is that?" Laval asked. "Because once you do, you'll be put into a trance, long enough for it to eat you!" Lucy said losing her calm tone. Timothy and Laval looked at each other with worried looks on their faces, but Timothy dropped his to a more confidant look and looked at him and Lucy, "I don't care, if the Cabin is through the snake territory, then I'm going through, no matter what's in the way." Timothy said looking at the road ahead of him. Laval and Lucy looked at each other and had a confidant look on their faces as well and walked up to Timothy, "Then it's a good thing you're not alone." Lucy said with a smile. "Because we got your back." Laval said with a smile as well. "Thanks guys." Timothy said looking at his friends. Then Timothy looked at the path ahead of them, "CHARGE!" Timothy shouted as he ran into the snake's territory, along with Laval and Lucy.

Meanwhile in the middle of nowhere, Marmoo was sharpening his claws, ready to attack Chima. A Scorpion solder ran to him to tell him something, "My lord, Chima is in sight, but Nova Australis is preparing to attack us, along with Queen Fahlga!" The Scorpion solder said in a worried tone. Marmoo, out of anger, used his Poison Scroll powers to destroy the solder, "If Darel wants a war, then he gets one. Except, I'm going to win this war." Marmoo said with a sinister chuckle, "Once we're done with Chima, we'll destroy Nova Australis and Darel so I, alone will be king." Marmoo said with a evil laugh.

Marmoo: Yes, scorpion times are changing, Which means that you lizards must too, My vision is clear and wide-ranging, and even encompasses you. So prepare for the coup of the century, Prepare for the murkiest scam, Meticulous planning, tenacity spanning, Decades of denial is simply why I'll be king, Undisputed, respected, saluted, And seen for the wonder I am. Yes, my claws and ambitions are bared, Be prepared.

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