Chapter 8: Secrets Revealed Part 1

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Sorry for not updating on Monday and Tuesday, I went to another State for two days and one night, so please forgive me. Also, this is a two part chapter, so I hope you enjoy part 1.

In the middle of nowhere, Queen Fahlga and her army were marching toward Lord Marmoo and his army. Finally they caught up to Marmoo and his army just as they were about to approach Chima. As Queen Fahlga and her army were getting ready for battle, one of Marmoo's scorpions saw the Spider Queen's army and reported it to Marmoo. "WHAT!" Marmoo shouted at his scorpion soldier, "BATTLE POSITIONS EVERYONE!" Marmoo shouted to his army. The Scorpions and Lizards were ready to fight the spiders, and the spiders were ready to fight Marmoo's army. "CHARGE!" Queen Fahlga and Lord Marmoo shouted at the same time, causing the to armies to collide with each other.

Back in the desert, Timothy, Laval, and Lucy, still riding on the snakes, finally made it to the Cabin. When they saw it, they slid off the snakes' heads and onto the ground, "Thanks for the directions, and the ride." Lucy said to the snakes. The three snakes lowered their heads as a, "You're welcome" then slithered away. Timothy, Laval, and Lucy looked at the snakes going underground then turned their heads toward the Cabin. "Do you think somebody lives in there?" Laval asked. "I'm not sure." Timothy said with a confused look. "Maybe try knocking." Lucy suggested. Timothy thought it was a good idea so he knocked on the door, but when he did there was no answer. "If no one's answering, then it maybe empty." Lucy said looking at her two friends.

Timothy turned to look at Lucy, "Lucy, whatever we find in this Cabin, might tell us who we are." Timothy said with a sad look. Lucy had an exciting look on her face, but when she saw that Timothy was sad, she dropped her excited look to a sad look as well. Laval also had a sad look on his face and looked at Timothy, "Is that not why you left Chima in the first place?" Laval asked while placing his left paw on his brother's right shoulder. "No, it is, but... " Timothy was about to answer but was cut off when Lucy spoke, "But what Tim? If that's the reason why you left your home, then what's wrong?" Lucy said with a worried look.

Timothy sighed as he looked down for a second then looked back at his friends. "If we find out who we are Lucy, it's something that has never been seen on Chima or Nova Australis before." Timothy explained as he sat and looking down at the ground. Laval and Lucy looked at each other then back at their friend, then Lucy kneeled down in front of Timothy at eye level, "Timothy, if our kind haven't been seen on Chima or Nova Australis, then we'll be the first." Lucy said with a smile as she lifted his head with her hand underneath his chin. "Lucy is right Timothy." Laval said with a smile on his face as well. Timothy looked at his two friends as a smile appeared on his face, "Thanks guys. What would I do without you?" Timothy said and asked while smiling at his friends. "Probably snake chow." Lucy said trying to be funny. The three friends laughed at Lucy's joke then turned to look at the door again. "Here we go." Timothy said while opening the door. As soon the door was opened, they all went inside.

Back at Nova Australis, Darel and Stinger looked towards the desert, hoping to find their friends. Realizing it was time to go, Darel looked at everyone ready to fight, "Everyone, it's time to go." Darel said to everyone. Everyone cheared, except Eris, Cragger, and their friends. Eris flew up to Darel, "But they're still out there Darel. If they return and find this place empty, how will they know the attack has begun?" Eris said and asked looking at Darel with a worried look. "You go out there and let them know the attack has begun." Darel said as he walked toward the crowd getting them ready.

Eris looked at the desert and realized that Darel was right, so she went to Cragger and told him what Darel told her. "WHAT! YOU CAN'T JUST GO! WHAT ABOUT CHIMA?" Cragger ranted about. Eris looked at Cragger with a worried look, "It's the only way." Eris said as she began to fly away from Nova Australis, heading towards the Cabin. "I hope you're right." Cragger said with a mumble. Cragger turned around and saw everyone leaving, ready for battle and saw the rest of his friends ready as well, "Well, what are we waiting for?" Cragger said while looking at his friends and walking with Darel and Stinger's army.

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