Chapter 12: The End?

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Were you surprised on the last chapter? Well let's see how Timothy's doing in this chapter. Also, I might not be posting any chapters next week because I'm in high school and I'm working on a project so please don't be mad at me. And, there's going to be a song from another movie so look out for that. Other then that, that's all now I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Heroes: Timothy, Lucy, Laval, Darel, Stinger, Queen Fahlga, Eris, Cragger, Gorzan, Rogon, Bladvic, Worriz, Razar, Lavertus

Villains: Marmoo (dead)

What happened last time: In a valley near the floating island of Chima, Timothy and Marmoo faced each other in a duel. Unfortunately, Marmoo used his tail-blade to stabbed Timothy in the heart, and Timothy used his Energy Sword to stab Marmoo in the heart. Marmoo exploded into pieces and all that was left of him was his tail-blade which was still inside Timothy's chest. After that, Timothy fell to the ground unconscious, as his vision was getting darker. What's going to happen next?

After the duel and Timothy fell to the ground unconscious, Lucy, Laval, and everybody else ran right where Timothy was. As of what's happening right now, the ones who were crying or tearing were Lucy, Laval, Eris, Cragger, Darel, Gorzan, and Rogon, and the ones who were worried were Stinger, Lavertus, Queen Fahlga, Bladvic, Razar, and Worriz. Timothy just laid on the ground, with blood pouring from his chest. Eris walked up to everyone, "We need to bring him to the Eagle Spire. There's still a chance to save him." Eris said with a confident look. Worriz just shook his head and looked at Eris with a growl, "It's too late eagle! The blade pierced his heart! There's no way to save him now!" Worriz said with a growl and looking at Eris.

Cragger stepped up so that everyone can see him, "Um guys, I hate to agree with Worriz, but don't we need a heart to like, you know, live?" Cragger said rhetorically. Lucy looked up at everyone with tears streaming down her cheeks, "If Eris says he can be saved, then I'm willing to take that chance." Lucy said with a shaky voice as she tried to pick up Timothy carefully. Lucy lost grip of Timothy, but Eris caught him quickly, "Me and Razar can take him to the Eagle Spire, you need to rest." Eris said looking at Lucy. "No way, I'm not resting until I know he's alright." Lucy protested with more tears streaming down her eyes.

When Eris saw Lucy's tears, she knew Lucy was not going to leave Timothy's side so Eris looked at Darel, "Darel, can you and Stinger make a bed so that we can carry Timothy to the Eagle Spire?" Eris asked. Darel and Stinger nodded and started making making the bed. Eris looked at Lucy and saw she was smiling, "Thank you." Lucy said with a shaky voice. Eris smiled back and looked at Timothy, "Laval told me what happened in the Cabin," Eris started to say, but after she said that, Lucy gave a nervous chuckle, "Oh, you know about that?" Lucy said with a shock reaction. Eris just chuckled and looked back at Lucy, "Yes, and I think it's sweet of you that you want to take care of him." Eris finished with a smile. Lucy smiled back as they saw Darel and Stinger were finished making the bed.

Lucy and Eris carefully lifted Timothy and placed him onto the bed. As Laval and Darel carried the bed, Lucy was so worried about Timothy that she couldn't stop staring at him. She was thinking while walking and staring at Timothy.

Lucy's P.O.V (thinking)

I hope we can get him the help that he needs, and that we can save him. After all these years, I finally found out who I am, a "human," and I also found another human who looks just like me, except he's a male and I'm a female, and we both love each other, and I'm not losing him now.

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