Timeline number _____ subject 7: Chapter 19

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This is the continuation of the first book in my dead account Shi_the_death_demon

The human world is a different place from any other
It will be used,as the container of our subject who was born in a small city

Subject seven name is Anami Shinitai

Age at the moment is not known,but will be used later

For now,we will watch the events of the subject,and wait for the right time to initiate the project

In her house,there was always a lot of noise
If somebody asked her,that would be the only thing she knews about it

Nothing more..or less

Currently,she finds herself in her room,a messy,and cold place,right in the last door of the Anami residence
The time was ticking quickly,as her hand was writing difficult calculations,and resolving math problems on her dusty ground
The window was closed,but the room felt still really cold....
She needed to work,not caring about her weak body who was asking for sleep
Currently she was the age of eight,and she was waiting for the sleep noise to come..
She usually had to wait until 2:00 a.m for the noise,but she did not care anymore if it came later
It was for the best,as her mother said.
After her weak,worthless body nearly collapsed,she heard the sweet and magnificent sound,who gave her freedom,telling her to do the last work for finishing her schedule
She got up,and dragged her small body to the dark all,sipping herself near a giant mirror in the corridor
Her eyes,as always...grey and dull,were terribly tired

Her pale face was skinnier than the last week,meaning that she was almost beautiful as mother deserved and wanted
Fat girls aren't accepted here

Not even last,stupid and worthless creature like her,who can't do anything right,just like mother says
She stops for a second near the mirror,reading the chores for the sleepy time,and then she  went to the kitchen...The location who she hated the.most
Mother here is always angry,and cruel

But she accepts it,because mother likes it
The floor was filled with small,broken pieces of glass,who probably came for mother's favourite alcohol,she loved it a lot,always telling her that the smell and the flavour was something really good,even better than painkillers
Shi always agreed,not understanding the context,just to make mother more happy
In fifteen minutes she finished cleaning the dirty kitchen,and did the  dishes
They were filled with mind and dust,which made she feel really,really sick
Shi now needed to go to bed,and sleep

Like everything is ok

Just like mommy said

So she did

Her tiny feet managed to resist,and walk her again to her cold and small room
She smelled that terrible smell of alcohol near her bedroom,meaning that mother was asleep,so she could go too
She just layed on the mattress,and looked at the ceiling,without saying a single word,just like mother wants
Mother left again,her candy bottle near her bed,after she threw it on her face..
That means mommy wants Shi to eat them
And so she did

Shi loved those candies,they always made her feel sleepy and numb when mother punished her
She liked to call them candies,even if she know those were....drugs
Her mom favourites of course...

Swallowing one...then two of them...

What a wonderful feeling

Shi this time is is not going to sleep again...

Good night


Mommy is coming

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