Chapter 20 : Poison

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Everything in this world is controlled by an unknown higher being


Is it just an control other people?

Without God,there wouldn't be peace

Humans need to be controlled,in order to maintain peace

Pyua always had this goal

As a beloved king..He needed to maintain control over his people..

As a person filled with  knowledge once said

Ignorance is bliss

They will believe in the light,and stay silent and obedient

EVEN he..knew is goal

But blinded by love..He did exactly what God wanted

The non believers are those who survived the Pacific manipulation,and decided to search for a rebellious peace

Something who will only bring Chaos

Pyua is doing this for his people

It doesn't matter the blood,the consequences,and the hatred

A world without a world without peace...


Shi was still feeling dizzy and Ill
The syringes were still having a bad effect on her,making her whole body feel pain with every step she took..
That burning feeling in her veins and mind...And the voices echoing trough her mind..
It was tiring even keeping her eyes open
Koshinuke was the only one still perfectly healthy,even if she was still thinking about her past traumas
Shi didn't dare to ask her anything,in the hope of not triggering anything bad in her
Probably her..“Papa" did not just PLAY with her..
Shi could already understand what he a past eight year old
That is why she trusted the first person who showed her affection..Her mind was already too.....


..just like Kanmi's

They continued the humid and cold cave...while the light was tempting them..
There were lots of precious diamonds...And crystals all over the place,and almost everywhere there were traps..And protective spells
That Damn cave was a labyrinth with no exit..Probably used to drive the victims who stumbled upon it crazy
They decided to rest for some seconds,and search for a strategy to use...
Shi was carefully examinating the walls...noticing how broken and crumed they were..
One in particular,had a really small hole  perfectly hidden under another wall of rocks
Shi couldn't destroy neither of them,but noticed something really important behind the hole
It was probably the key to their freedom

:“F-For how long are we going t-to stay here..?

This light is making me feel weaker and weaker..."

Koshinuke surely was feeling like shit..

That place was unbearable even for Shi

Kanji noticed Shi's interest in that wall,so both of them started searching for a way to hit the hole with one of their weapons

The hole was covered by an unbreakable wall,and a normal weapon can't fit in it,because it's incredibly small
Shi tried to use her destructive powers to erase the wall from existence,but protective spells made everything worthless


Kanmi got an idea out of nowhere, thanks to.Koshinuke
He gently grabbed Shi's arm,and tried to treat her infection before doing something dangerous

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