Chapter 22 : Happiness

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Kagaku,that now was there with them again softly smiled,and opened the Neurological room..

It was completely empty and white,with only a small technical computer on the wall

Near that computer,there was a scanning device, which didn't seem to be a normal fingerprint one...
Kagaku asked Shi to place her hand on the scanning device,while it slowly scanned her DNA,and brain,while Kagaku was slowly typing some strange codes on the computer

The room was slowly creating a room perfectly built in Shi's preferences...with black and white furniture,and a room for training

..How was it possible?

Kagaku laughed happily,looking at the machine with proud eyes

:“Ahh! This is my most beloved creation! Something that me and my dear Koshinuke worked on!

This machine takes the data's in your brain,to create the perfect room adapted by person in person

It literally scans your memories, personality,and thing you like,and it creates a perfect room to live in!

Its perfect for being completely comfortable and safe! need to use the scan to enter,so....the ones who don't live here cannot enter our rooms!So its practically impossible to get attacked!

Also....its able to create books,films that are of your favourite genres...and more...

However,its all a realistic and interactive hologram,so...when we leave,everything will disappear

You can interact,use and do anything here,but everytime the one who lives in the room disappears...

The connection with the neurones disappear,so everything in the room will disappear too!

He gently grabbed Koshinuke hand,almost like she was the most important thing in the world

His smile was.... crazy

He was looking at her like she was....a goddess or something

But...he seemed so happy to stay with her... Shi didn't have the heart to feel creeped out

:“So.. Koshinuke! Which part of the family would you like to be?

My sister? My aunt? My grandma?

My cousin?

For Batry and me you are my big sister!

Shi could be my sister too or brother if she desires!

And even you want to be a brother or a sister?

Kanmi was like a child too,so he kind of liked playing with other childish people

He smiled sweetly

:“Whatever you chose for me,its fine!

I can be your sister,brother,anything!

Whatever makes you happy is what matters to me!"

Kagaku almost seemed like he was going in a deep ecstasy, happy and joyed

:“You are all my adopted family!

We will eat together,talk together,read together!

And I will have other people that hit me! Just like mommy and daddy did!

Sister...she liked punching me...

Koshinuke you will be just like my sister! Since I cared about her so much!"

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