Chapter 29 : King,Leader, Priest,Lady

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Just like a cards game,or a fantasy book,those people are the ones who kept in balance our world for decades

With grace, loyalty,and determination

The clower,the one filled with determination and strenght,the leader and the monarch of everything
The one who inspires the heart of many,and the one who protects our wirkd

The spade,,filled with bravery,strenght and calmness,but most importantly delicacy and grace,able to strike all the enemies in their path

The heart,the kind,caring and sweet,the one who heals the injured and swore loyalty to the good,able to heal to mind and heart of many just by taking

And then

The diamond

The loyalty,the strenght,the intelligence and the beauty

The strongest among them,and the one most beloved

His will to keep his ideals truthful to his heart..

He truly is..and will always be..a king

Those were the guardians of the World of Nothing

Those who protected their people..and ruled with kindnesses

All of them born and grown together,destined already to be powerful one day

Clowery...son of the monarch...the creator

He was created by a ritual and magic..destined to keep the monarch blood for generations

The other guardians were created with the same purpose

First,he was never given a mother,nor a father

He was the first experiment,the one who was firstly created by the birth ritual of two pure demons,combining their souls and magic together

He suffered torment,pain,but he still kept his kind good heart,and kept baking and helping poor,weak people

Together with Clowery,Pyua was created by another noble family

Both of them knew eachother since they were infants

Soon friendship became deep trust,both of them were inseparable

Pyua is the calm,and cold person,Clowery is the cheerful and narcissistic one

But even if they were both different,they were bonded with a strong relationship

Pyua was the first one who was chosen as a knight,then followed by Clowery

Pyua in fact was the one who inspired and guided Clowery through their training

Then..a lady suddenly bursted in their life

A thief of some sort,she used her charm,and stealth to rob noble demons

Pyua was angered at her,after she done such a terrible act,and actually tried to murder both of them

But Clowery used his kindness to move the lady's heart,making her become a knight too,thanks to her capabilities

She..was Phoenix Maki,a really elegant and beautiful demon escaped from the place are she was given birth

Due to her lack of money,and hate towards the nobles she started stealing from them

Not for others,just because she was a little selfish

She lived I a world with no mercy,Shi didn't care about poor people,so she as doing everything to survive

Eventually,she became a knight too,and then the guardian of spades,well known for her way to fight,like a dance

She only fought her opponents while having a masquerade dance,using her elegance and grace with her thunder powers,along with the wind

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