Chapter 28 : Strings of relationships

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I need to find a free myself... quick..

Those things are choking me... I'm going to die if I don't do something...

The others are fighting with the illusions...they don't even know that they aren't real..

Clowery had only one hand free,so he decided to use his true magic powers

He had the ability to control things with his telekinesis,but also...use vines to attack in a long rage

Attacks based on the luck of the cards...everything

That's why he is the strongest guardian

Son of the past monarch

Clowery tried to use his last strenght to search for First's movements,since the heads were blocking his eyes

He couldn't feel his temperature,but his movements are visible

First was injured..and clearly weakened by using his magic

He was sneaking out..away from the crowd

Clowery... used his vines to destroy the prison he was trapped

He was aware that going near them meant seeing illusions himself too

Things that would play with his feelings

Spady slayed the last shadow,before making the room explode

She never used this power,only when she was particularly angered

All of them got blown away..but without any particular injuries

Shi protected Kanmi with her body..grabbing him in her arms..and jumping away

They won

Luckily...his magic drained out

He was powerless..., understanding that his life was going to end


The Beast's powers resuscitated his body..and controlled his mind..

He was already dead,but he was given again a...soul

A momentary one,that was loyal to the light

For the first time,all of them could see in First's eyes..

Terror... hopelessness

He knew it was over

First retreated,while crawling near the wall..

It was his end

They were going to come in the other room,and I kill him

He desperately called out for his master..trying to call for help

A figure..slowly walked next to him..with deep cold eyes

Someone that he could never expect

:“ me..

You...changed again right?

You are no more..

We are here...kill them...please

I want to stay in the light with you...I want to continue being useful to you...

You gave me life told me that they took my last life..

That man with the clower....somehow..he gaves me feelings of uneasiness....

Deep in my soul...I feel a connection with him

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