Chapter 21 : Science and Magic

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A big,PAINFUL slash could be heard in the room....


She got hit in the arm,saving the demon from certain death

That...knife was a pure one' if he stabbed himself in the neck with it..

He would have probably died in place

Koshinuke was hugging the demon,while trying to not tell in pain
He was whimpering like a child..,crying and sobbing


(I'm sorry)

My children...FORGIVE me...




It hurts

I can't breathe


It burns

All of my body is burning

(Help me)

He was struggling into getting the knife agAin,while Koshinuke kept him in place with all the strength she got
Shi ran up to both of them,and knocked the demon out,before it tried something dangerous
Fortunately,her wound wasn't deep,so Kanji managed to patch her up partially

Koshinuke was looking at the poor unconscious demon with pity and concern,sometime even checking for his heartbeat

:“Do you know it's identity?"

Shi could not understand what time of species this demon belong to

He wore a lab coat,and some broken Googles were next to him..

He was sleeping quietly,so they could talk in peace

Koshinuke evaded her gaze

:“...I knew him years before I even got to meet you here again..


He helped me when I first came here

He made me live in his lab,and I helped him create machines to protect us from the pure ones..
We managed to create a base not so long distant from the pure ones metropolis..
Unfortunately...we had to escape...

And I lost trace of him,while he used a clone to protect me

I got injured,and I lost part of my memory

And and Kanmi found me...

I guess...that when second attacked us..And injected that liquid in me...,I started remembering slowly my the human world...And here"

While Kanmi was healing him,Shi noticed a strange sign on his arm,so she decided to inspect it..

It was completely cut in his skin,with something remarkably sharp

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