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I sat on my bed just going trough my SNS. We were done with this comeback and usually, we got like 2 weeks of rest before you know getting ready to film shows. I came across a cute picture of Haechan "Oh gwiyowo" I said out loud. Haechan is actually really adorable.


After recording our new title track 'punch' we went out to eat dinner. Not gonna lie I am a bit tired this is my third comeback right after Kick it and Ridin'. And not to mention we have to go on a diet since we will be filming the music video in 3 weeks. That means we have 2 weeks to learn the choreography. 

As soon as I came home I went straight to bed without washing first. I was so exhausted. It's not easy to have 3 comebacks in 3 months. 

I woke up to my alarm ringing. I didn't want to wake up but I had to. Since I didn't shower yesterday I decided to shower before meeting with 127 hyungs and our dance teacher. I ate my breakfast and walked to the SM building. 

I was actually on time, our choreographer had just arrived. It's the same for every comeback. We record the song first, then we watch our choreographer dance to the song, and then they learn us how to do the moves. And lastly, we film our music video. 

The dance to 'Punch' was actually really sick. As we warmed up and danced for a couple of hours, I could feel that my body wasn't keeping up. I felt really warm and dizzy to the point where I fell to the ground and passed out. 

I woke up in the hospital and our manager was with me. He called the rest of NCT that I was awake. Apparently, my body was overused and couldn't keep up. The doctors said that I should rest for a couple of days, because If not my nerves would break. 

I mean I understand why my body was exhausted, I had been on a diet for 3 months now, not to mention all of the choreographies I had to learn and dance. 

I talked with my manager and he told me that I could rest for 4 days. The first two days had to be in the hospital so the doctors could easily check on me. The last two days I could spend in my dorm. 

After a couple of minutes, dreamies and 127 barged in my hospital room. They were worried sick I could see it on their faces. It's nice having so many people care for me it really is.

But you know, of course, I only noticed Renjun's expression. He led a sigh out when he found out it wasn't that serious. My heart kinda skipped a bit thinking about him being worried about me. 

We talked about our health and everything. It was late and everybody had to go home. I was kinda sad I had to be alone here with my manager. 

Suddenly my manager got a call saying he needed to come home for a bit because his daughter was sick.

"I will be with Donghyuck until you come back manager Hyung" Taeyong Hyung volunteered. 

"No it's okay Hyung you have dance practice tomorrow I can be here alone," I said because I knew he would be up late if he had to be by my side. 

"Well since 127 hyungs have to practice tomorrow I don't mind being with him," Renjun said. 

"If you insist Renjun just call me if anything happens alright?" Taeyong Hyung answered Renjun.

I blushed so heavily, I would be alone with Renjun in this small hospital room for a couple of hours.

Everybody started to leave saying goodbye except for Renjun of course. As Taeyong Hyung was about to head out he looked at me winked and smirked. I looked away clearly knowing why he did that.


So we got a glimpse of Renjuns perspective!

The next chapter is going to be exciting!!!!

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