Cas' POV

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It was freezing when Castiel with woke up. He was laying on a gritty, bloodstained cement floor. Thick metal chains bound him to the dripping walls, and weak light streamed in from above him. Other chains lined the walls, but all of them were empty. Directly in front of him, a thick iron door was locked shut from the outside, or at least that's what he could tell. His trench coat was missing, but other than that, he seemed intact. He hurt like hell, but that was the worst of it. Castiel tried sitting up, and even that made him groan in pain. Eventually he gave up and layed back down. He closed his eyes. Immediately, Deam screaming his name flashed behind his lids. He saw the pain in his eyes and the blood trickling down his forehead. Castiel's eyes shot open. Dean was too painful to think about. But still- what Lust had said about She was a demon. She was lying. Dean couldn't think that about him. He shouldn't think that about him. They were friends. Just friends. Cas squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think about Heaven. About his favourite place. The autistic man, who would fly a kite for the rest of eternity and be perfectly content with it. If only things could be that simple for him now. It didn't look like he'd be anywhere near Heaven for a while, unless that's what his captors had in mind for him. No. He couldn't think about that right now. He couldn't afford to. He had to trust the Winchesters. Castiel lay there trembling on that frigid stone basement floor until he fell asleep to dreams of all the Heavens he'd visited. He only woke when he heard a key turning in the lock.

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