Dean's POV

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"Okay, here it is."
The one story ramshackle house didn't look like much with its half hinged shutters and the cyran wrap windows.
"What are we doing here?" Dean asked anxiously.
"Remember when I worked a solo case a while back, hunting that nest of vamps? Well, I stumbled upon an old friend of dad's. You might not remember her. Pamela Barnes. She's a psychic, and I think she can help us."
Sam hesitated before ringing the doorbell.
"You know, there's no guarantee this is going to work. Just... don't get your hopes up."
Ignoring him, Dean pushed past him and rang the door bell. Immediately, the door sprung open. A petite, raven haired woman stood in the frame. Wearing... sunglasses?
"Yes?" She grunted.
Sam was the first to respond. "Hey Pamela, it's Sam Winchester. I was here last summer, you helped me find those vampires. "Oh, Sam! Come on in!" No lights were on in the house, but the floor was completely bare, except for the bump separating the house from the door. Dean wasted no time tripping over it. "How the hell do you see in here?" Dean exclaimed. "It's pitch black!"
"I don't," Pamela called back at Dean. "I'm blind." Dean glanced over at Sam, who just shrugged. "Forgot to mention that," he whispered.
"So Sam," she began,"who's your friend?"
"This is Dean, my brother."
"And, may I ask, what you came for?"
Dean answered this one. "We're looking for a friend, and Sam thought you might be able to help."
By this time they had entered the kitchen. It wasn't too different from any normal kitchen, except the only furniture was a round wooden table draped in a heavy cloth surrounded by a few chairs.
"Do you have any of his personal effects, things he might have worn or used often?"
"Uh... yeah. Do you think this will work?" Sam offered her Cas' angel blade, the one he had dropped when he had been abducted.
"I think so. Now, you boys go into the other room. I'm gonna try to locate him, and I don't want any distractions."
By shuffling around the corner into the living room, they ended up sitting in moth eaten sofas. Awkward silence ensued.
"Okay, enough of this. How are you really doing?"
"I'm fine."
"I don't believe that."
"Really Sammy, I'm okay. Just as soon as we get Cas back I can stop worrying about this crap."
"Dean, be honest."
"Sam, I told you. Now drop it."
Sam was cut off by Pamela stumbling into the doorway, gasping. "I found-" she paused, catching her breath,"-I think I found him. He's-" another pause," being held in some kind of old storage basement, i don't know. I caught a name, but I don't recognize it."
Sam leapt out of his seat and caught Pamela by the arm.
Dean jumped up too. "What's the name?"
"Dean, seriously? Not now."
Pamela ignored him. "It was- it was Anderson." But then she looked straight at Dean with pain in her eyes. "You have to get him out of there."
Then she collapsed.

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