Cas' POV

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Cas kneeled on the stone, setting his skinned, open knees on fire. "Get up," Wrath growled. Even though every fiber of his being screamed at him to stay down, he rose shakily to his feet by leaning on the gritty wall. He had already learned not to disobey this demon. Wrath kicked him with his spike studded boots again, causing Cas to cry out in pain and tumble to the ground. The spikes had pierced Cas' flesh and stained the rough stone floor with his blood. Similar marks had already been made around his ankles and lower calves. Gritting his teeth, he slid up the wall gasping for breath. "Take of your shirt." Castiel stared at Wrath in confusion. "Just do it," he warned. Cas did as in instructed. "Turn around." Again he obliged. He tensed up in anticipation, and after a second or two of nothing, he relaxed.
A sharp pain erupted across his back. Wrath had carried a whip with him, and was now using it to strip Cas' flesh.
He yelped in a mix of surprise and pain. Before the stinging had subsided, another blow from Wrath cast spots across his vision. There was no break. It was blow after blow after blow. Think about something else. Something that makes you happy. Block out the pain.
green eyes
leather jackets
lopsided grins
Wrath's malicious echoed through Cas' mind as he slumped against the wall. His last thought
And finally, unconsciousness greeted him.

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